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Messages - wolf274

Pages: [1] 2 3
Characters / Re: soreii's characters
« on: June 03, 2016, 01:56:00 am »
aa omg thank you guys so much!!
i'm still thinking about roleplaying, i'm no sure if i have the time right now ;v;

Oh my goodness I love your artwork and style!
I hope you'll be open for requests or commissions! I would love to get some of my baby.

hh thank you! im actually open for commissions! all the info is on my dA ;w;

also i'm going to update my fursona's ref in just a second, i love its new design so much i'm so proud of it /v\

Characters / Re: soreii's characters
« on: May 21, 2016, 08:45:52 pm »
i'm real glad you all like them aa!!

also i just added my fursona there too
i don't have any art of it from anyone right now but feel free to look at it if you'd like!

Art Gallery / Re: soreii's art
« on: May 21, 2016, 08:33:40 pm »
thank you! i'm trying to get better aa but i've got a really long way

and heres a drawing i did today of my fursona.. (no spoiler since its kinda small)
i used my friend's desk and man using a desk feels weird, i've always just drawn on my bed

Member Bio & Journals / Re: soreii's bio + journal
« on: May 20, 2016, 12:32:29 pm »
Lovely bio you have here. You're very brave to share all of this with us c: Very nice getting to know more about you, I hope to see you around!
aa im real glad you think so! and i'll definitely be around!

also a little journal update, check it out if you'd like!

Characters / soreii's characters
« on: May 20, 2016, 12:16:57 pm »
just wanna say like a majority of my characters are anthro, but they have some feral art of them, just a hu
also i don't normally do roleplay, but i'd like to maybe try and get into it?

heyo and welcome!
i'm gonna post a few of my characters here! none of them have in-game presets right now but i'd like to make some or have some made for me, so until then it's just art of them :3
this is still a huge wip aaa

  • - agender (it/its pronouns)
  • - 16 years old
  • - deer/dog
  • - likes drawing, exercising, and clothes shopping
  • - see ref and art below

reference art

art of it from others
none yet (rip)

  • - identifies male (physically agender)
  • - 24 years old?? (him old)
  • - fox/dog
  • - works as a teacher
  • - likes reading, writing, and thunderstorms
  • - see ref and art below

reference art

art of him from others

by kawoshln on deviantART

by alfeddy/captyns on deviantART

by peaceskiies on deviantART

by dented?? couldn't find their dA account

there is tons more art i have of him feral and anthro if you want to see all that you can go here :3

  • - trans male
  • - 16 years old
  • - dog
  • - likes food, dogs, video games
  • - see ref and art below

reference art
this ref is not current but this design is what i have art of

art of him from others

by karcharos on deviantART

by xshadowstar on deviantART

by kawoshln on deviantART

by huskynugget on deviantART

by biuejeans on deviantART

by onelittlefurrycat on deviantART

again i have tons more art of him too!! right here

hmm thats about it for now
i have a lot of characters but i'll update this once i get some feral art of them
especially my fursona aa

Art Gallery / Re: soreii's art
« on: May 20, 2016, 11:37:16 am »
wahh thank you all so much!! and yes digimon mmy fave, i really need to do more digimon art but i don't have a desk right now since we're in the process of moving
so i cant really do any art for a while rip

but i might as well post my part of an art trade i just did a few days ago
i seriously look up to the person i did this for i was super surprised when they asked if i wanted to do a art trade with them i was so happy!!

Ask Me / Re: Ask soreii
« on: May 20, 2016, 04:43:55 am »
What is your favorite color?
probably either purple or blue! i really like aqua blue and amethyst

What was your first game? :)
ooh i think my first game was pokemon yellow on game boy color!
i never actually finished it tho cause i had no idea what i was doing

Ask Me / Re: Ask soreii
« on: May 20, 2016, 02:00:35 am »
*Flails* What's your favorite animal?
i think my favorite might have to be hyenas! they are so cool imo

- Ask About Fursona -
What inspired you to make such a floof o;
hmm no real reason in particular? i just wanted a new fursona honestly, my old one was a dragon but i really couldnt connect to it as much as this one!

Favorite Disney film? If ya don't like Disney, then favorite animated film?
Favorite drink?
Do you like to read? If so, what books?

favorite animated film might have to be any of the studio ghibli films, i love them so much!
i really like to drink passion fruit juice
mm i don't necessarily read actual books but i read manga if that counts ;v;
my favorite manga series is jojo's bizarre adventure!

Ask Me / Ask soreii
« on: May 20, 2016, 01:50:03 am »
i see people doing this here so i might as well do it too!!
you can ask me w/e you'd like, about me or my fursona too ;o

Member Bio & Journals / Re: soreii's bio + journal
« on: May 20, 2016, 01:48:46 am »
ooh im glad to know liking anime isn't an awful thing here '>v>

and hakumi, i went back to my hometown again just last summer, it was great being able to see my old home /v\
and i also went to kyoto! it's real pretty there, the inari shrine is my favorite place i think
still haven't been to tokyo or akihabara, i hope i can go see them sometime

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