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Messages - Ellis

Pages: [1] 2
Finished Maps / Re: Savannah's End...*PUBLIC + PICS + DOWNLOAD LINK*
« on: August 15, 2011, 06:32:03 pm »

Finished Maps / Re: Savannah's End...*PUBLIC + PICS + DOWNLOAD LINK*
« on: August 15, 2011, 01:14:42 am »
All the objects are made from the default objects.

Finished Maps / Savannah's End...*PUBLIC + PICS + DOWNLOAD LINK*
« on: August 14, 2011, 10:22:57 pm »

I've noticed that there are often a great deal of rp's that break out in the main lands of Feral Heart, though there is often nowhere to go to escape the spam.  I've decided to make a series of 513x513 maps, available for download to use on the spot if you're in a pinch, or if you just want to go and talk somewhere. Rules below.

The map features three unique dens . . .

Shore Den

Bush Den

Big Rock Den

A series of local landmarks . . .

Stone Crossing

Cheetah Shores

Tree of Life

  • Keep it Pg13. No explicit language ,Public Mating, violence, or harassment of others
  • Literate RP only. No chat speak or God Modeing. Simply put, keep your poses to a minimum of one full sentence
  • No claiming areas for your pride on the public version of this map. If you wish to rename it and reupload it elsewhere, feel free. No other public variations and you must give me credit if you post it on the forums for your pack/clan/whatever
  • Pass it on. Tell other folks about it :)


Enjoy and I would love to know what you think.

Map downloaded and connected :) I am eastern Time zone and available pretty much any time 7am - 10 pm most days :)

Thanks. If its approved, we rp sometime.


Age:3 years
Rank: Kasi
Cubs: None
Species: Lioness
Personality: Paka is the strong silent type. She speaks rarely and when she does it is often kept to single words or small phrases. She takes her duties seriously, always keeping an eye out for trouble. Her greatest difficulty is interacting on a social level and developing an emotional attachment.  Her favorite recreational pastime is watching the grasses in the distance with unfocused eyes trying to catch even the most subtle of movements.
RP Sample: A dry wind sweeps it's way across the Savannah causing the grasses to bend to and fro, dancing in a gentle wave. Laying stretched out on her belly, legs splayed out in all directions, Paka eyes the movements. Her tail twitches from side to side as she lets her eyes slide out of focus. No longer does the lioness see specific movements, rather she sees everything at once. Her mind assimilates the information, as she searches for something in the waves. Paka's ears lean forward as her eyes focus on one small portion of the grasses in particular. A small smile tugs at the corner of her lip as a small mouse scurries beneath the grasses forcing them out of sinc with the waves.

Presets & Markings / IronMan preset
« on: March 22, 2011, 07:20:22 pm »
All the presets I have done to this point have been fairly simple and at most have taken me an hour or so. As a glutton for punishment, I opted to try something a tad harder.


Ironman belongs to marvel.


Presets & Markings / CATS presets *UPDATED*
« on: March 21, 2011, 06:50:51 pm »
So I have been a fan of CATS since I was about 14...thats about 14 years x.x... Anyway to practice my presets I have decided to make a few CATS presets. Please let me know what you guys think of them.



Next up: Victoria.

Hey, Life just got crazy. New puppy n no sleep. I wont be around for a while, so please forgive. If you wanna remove mheetu from th clan, I understand and it may be for the best. I just have no time

I wanted to apologize for being gone on Saturday. It was a very busy day and I really didn't have time to think let alone rp. Hopefully I will run into the lot of you later.

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