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Messages - KittehInGloves

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Request Maps / Medium - Medium-Large Wolf Pack Rp
« on: March 27, 2013, 08:08:07 pm »
Hi so, hopefully this posts this time. I've put a lot of effort into creating a rp (website, tumblr account, deviantart account, plot, email, etc.) However, I've recently discovered that I am absolutely HORRID at creating a map. Its awful. Anyway, I was hoping that perhaps someone on here could help me with predicament, seeing as I can't do so myself. Thank you for reading, and I've included the basics of what I was hoping for below (although, this is CERTAINLY changeable. At this point anything will do.)

Type of RP: Wolf RP
How many groups in the map?: Two, with a few loner wolves
Size: Medium to medium large. The goal is to have forced interaction with the packs without being cramped.
Biomes: I'm really hoping for a thick, foresty scene, with perhaps a river running through it. Natural rocks and boulders, etc.
The Dens: This is where I'm going to sound absolutely, dreadfully bossy... The dens of the packs are where the majority of the RP is taking place, and thus need to be sort of... largish? And detailed (ugh, sorry... I'm sounding bossy.). One pack can have herbs and such in a pile by one of the dens, however, the other cannot. The same works in vice versa for food (part of the rp plot). I was also hoping that one den site/camp would be set up on raised terrain or perhaps at the base of a hill/mountainous structure, while the other would reside in the forest. 
Water: A river running through the map, with perhaps a small lake?

Thank you so much for taking the time to read. I'm at an absolute loss, so any help would be MUCH appreciated. If this is to much to do, feel free to scale whatever you need to down, or take out parts entirely. Thank you!

Request Maps / Re: Accepting map requests!
« on: March 27, 2013, 04:13:52 am »
Username to where it will be sent at: KittehInGloves (Though, this may be changing soon due to some spam from various people..)
Main RP for this map (Ex. Warrior cats or wolves Rps): Wolf RP
How many groups in the map?: Two, with a few loner wolves
How big the map will be: Medium to medium large. The goal is to have forced interaction with the packs without being cramped.
Biomes (Like a forest) Describe in full detail on what you want: Oof... I'm quite poor at this, so please excuse my awful phrasing. I'd really like a forest and 'rolling' mountain range, if you know what I mean, preferably on opposite sides of the map. Ideally, the forest would need to be quite thick, and perhaps tapering down into a beach? I don't want to sound too bossy or demanding, so apologies for that. Oof... sorry.
Extra places in the map (Like a small town): I'd like for the two wolf packs to have camps, separated by something (mountain, river, etc.), and one wolf pack to have camp in the forest while the other resides in the mountain or at the base of the mountain. Okay, I'm going to sound positively awful saying this, and I apologize, but could the camps for the packs be detailed/largish? That is where the the majority of the RP will be taking place.. Ergh, sorry.
Do you accept the rules?: Absolutely.
Any extra info can go here: Just thank you if you accept this, and that it means quite a lot to me. I've put a lot of effort into a website and plot... but my map making skills are positively dreadful. Thank you again!

Hi, so I've just downloaded the mod and have a slight issue. Sorry, to be a pain, but it seems there is some sort of glitch with the texture? I'm not quite sure, but the eyes look beautiful and I'd definitely love to use this. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you!


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