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Messages - Kitscourge

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Game Discussion / Re: Rp intruders and claimers?
« on: July 16, 2013, 07:46:41 am »
All of these crack me up. >u<
Once I was just sitting around in Ficho Tunnel, under the waterfall as The Phantom OTO (Of The Opera) and role-playing with someone completely out of my theme. x3 After a few minutes of role-playing me and the killer became friends but once she logged off a huge group of neon pups decided to literately rp ambush me. o-o I was just sitting there, annoyedly trying to stress the point that Erik (Phantom) Is extremely tall, and well...human but they saw him as a wolf and kept role-playing as so. -.- Lets just say it kept going on until they started claiming that was their territory and I tried desprately to stay calm on a character who is completely unsocial and short-tempored and tell them that it's obviously public and that's when they decided to role-play mug me. ouo I lmao in real life and just started using extremely long words and posts in chat to explain to them how inmature they were until they left. e_e You can tell that it took a LONG time...*face desk* That better not happen again...>n< ~Erik

Game Discussion / Re: Keeping A Good In-Game Reputation
« on: July 16, 2013, 06:55:00 am »
If you see a character that someone has made that looks NOTHING like the actual character (like if it's themed off a game, story, show, or book), don't making fun of them or yell at them for not make the character right. e-e *eye twitch* I know it's annoying, but still. >:I

In the middle of a nice role-play, don't start random crazy drama every five seconds...It gets annoying as well, along with randomly spacing or zoning out.If you zone out and miss like half of the roleplay, it doesn't give such a great impression. BI I've seen these alot... ~Erik

Game Help / Re: Can't Start Game
« on: July 09, 2013, 11:31:39 am »
The same thing happened to my old account, I could never get past the loading screen to join the game.It just happened out of the blue. I cincerely hope the same didn't happen to you.I was forced to make a new account. ~Erik

Game Help / Re: front server... but the server is online??
« on: July 09, 2013, 10:55:15 am »
Above the picture at the top of this website it should show what I mentioned in my last post.Right now it may say "Game Server is Online" but it must have how many players are playing beside it.99% of the time it's accurate. Sorry if this is late and all, I mistakingly didn't see the 2nd page. >.< ~Erik

Game Help / Re: front server... but the server is online??
« on: July 09, 2013, 10:12:45 am »
That is because the server is down, or rather just starting.Try again when the place that says 'Game Server is Online' has *insert number here* players online beside it. Believe me, we're all waiting. :I ~Erik

Game Help / Re: front server... but the server is online??
« on: July 09, 2013, 09:42:31 am »
Sorry to ask another question to this post, but does anyone know how long this will take? I just thought adding another thread about the same thing would be a waste.~Erik

Game Discussion / Re: Creepy Game Encounters
« on: July 09, 2013, 07:02:24 am »
I was walking around Ficho (down the waterfall) on my The Phantom OTO character and I happened to walk right into a Poke'mon roleplay where the poke'mon battling were Jeff The Killer and SlenderMan, and the trainers where 2 actual poke'mon...Lets just say all I saw were 2 smirking tiny pokemon and two extremely freaky characters dancing into eachother with the 'rage' emotion on their face...I just backed away like o-o'... But appearently the Phantom didn't go unnoticed and they all looked at me with rage emotions and tried to mug me. That was by far the creepiest thing I have ever experienced because of the characters... ~Erik

Species / Re: the phantoms
« on: July 09, 2013, 05:09:48 am »
was its  name  just phantom or was it gjost j phantom

Actually is was 'Raven F Phantom' and they were a little less than full size and pure black. owo They were stalking me for about an hour silently, then just disapeared :I Their bio gave me this link. ~Erik

Species / Re: the phantoms
« on: July 09, 2013, 02:24:21 am »
I believe I've actually seen one! I was on my Phantom char (completely unrelated) and some black cat named Phantom was staring at me. I just looked back like: "what? o-o". Lul, now I know where they got that from. owo Anyways, great story,bio,documentary, thing! ^^ ~Erik

Ask Me / Re: Ask The Spell-Caster.~
« on: July 01, 2013, 07:34:27 pm »
1, Favorite animal?
2, Favorite movie or play?
3, Who is your favorite actor or character? And what would you do if you met them in person?
4,What is your favorite face that you can type? Mine is: ( ????????????) ~Erik

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