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Messages - YourPanda

Pages: [1]
Forum Discussion / Re: Where did you get your sona' name?
« on: March 27, 2014, 02:00:58 am »
It took me two years to figure out what animal was going to fit me best. I love dark colors, and considering I'm a Margay, 
when I ran across the name Kieran (Little dark one in Irish) I just automatically knew that that's what my fursona was
going to be named. Plus I have Irish and German in me - 'suppose it was only a coincidence that his perfect name
happened to be from Ireland. <3

Finished Maps / Warrior Cats : my first map
« on: March 23, 2014, 11:02:48 pm »
Meshes, textures, and whatever copyrighted to their original owners. Height map, design, and story are mine.
This is the very first map I've ever attempted to make and is still being slightly tweaked. It was originally going to be for a role play, but I'm not entirely sure it's good enough for one. It's a pretty big map, and being the first and a newbie at uploading and downloading such items, I apologize for any mistakes.
Download :

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