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Messages - RazielTheGuardian

Pages: [1]
Site/Forum Help / Registration Times
« on: January 07, 2016, 01:25:56 am »
It's super frustrating that they're randomized because for the past month I've been trying to register for a new account (my name is too long to log in) but I can never seem to get it right! I really want to play but even when I check all day it seems like I'm missing it by a few minutes or something. Is there any way to change my account name or do I just have to keep guess-checking? I love the game but this is a bit much..

Game Help / Re: Incorrect Password
« on: December 09, 2015, 12:45:46 am »
I changed my password on the forums because I couldn't remember there a way to change it in game as well?

Game Help / Incorrect Password
« on: December 08, 2015, 03:59:23 am »
For some reason, every time I try to log in (when I can connect to the server) it says my password is incorrect. I'm certain it isn't because I am able to log in to the site just fine.

Game Help / Re: Login troubles
« on: June 30, 2012, 03:13:15 am »
it keeps saying i have the wrong username and password even thought i just made my account??

Pages: [1]