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Messages - Shadow148

Pages: [1]
This is an amazing idea! I've been looking for a game out there like this one and you can count on me to be stalking the progress of the game until it comes out :D Good luck on getting everything just the way you guys (all the helpers) want it to turn out c: I can't wait until it's finished! ^.^

Pelt colour: Black and White
Underfur: Black and white
Markings: You can see them in her pictures c:
Species: Wolf
Extra details:
- I would like the eye socket on her white side to be showing
- Her canines to be different lengths (white side is longer, black side is shorter, if possible)
- Her claws to be different lengths (black side longer, white side shorter if possible)
- I would love her blood necklace and chain to be with her as well
- She has three scars on her black side
- I would also like a little more gore around her white hip
What mane: None c:
Eye colour/custom eye: On her white side, a white eye and on her black side a red eye ^.^ It would be great if they could be faintly glowing as well.


Here is her black side

And here is her white side

Nevermind c:

Request a Preset/Marking / Anyone looking for a challenge?
« on: August 12, 2013, 03:47:23 am »
Hi! I have this amazing character named Aglaeca who is a half zombie wolf! I would love to have a preset done of her, and here are her pictures! Her ref sheet is currently in progress, so I used an online wolf generator to create both sides of her for ya'll to see c:

Here is her black side

And here is her white side

Some things that you need to know about Aglaeca can be found below c:

- Aglaeca is a vicious wolf
- Her tongue should be lolling out of the white side of her (if possible, I don't mind if it's not)
- If possible it would be great to have either a black or red glow surrounding her
- I would like the eye socket on her white side to be showing
- Her canines to be different lengths (white side is longer, black side is shorter)
- Her claws to be different lengths (black side longer, white side shorter)
- I would love her blood necklace and chain to be with her as well
- She has three scars on her black side
- I would also like a little more gore around her white hip


This is amazing! For some reason all of the links on the forums for me open up in adfly, so would you mind posting the website url please? I really wanna download these amazing mods :D

Game Help / Re: Sky Maker, Map Maker and Weather Maker Problem
« on: July 01, 2013, 04:54:41 pm »
Thank you! ^.^

Game Help / Sky Maker, Map Maker and Weather Maker Problem
« on: July 01, 2013, 03:25:12 am »
So lately every time I try to open one of those, my FH crashes. I think it's because I accidentally deleted the Watermill stuff but I'm not sure. If it is the watermill files I need, could someone please post a link to the zip files? It would be a lot of help!


Miscellaneous Tutorials / Re: Missing FeralHeart Files? Look Here!
« on: July 01, 2013, 03:21:26 am »
I was wondering if someone could post the website to the watermill zip files download because whenever I try to click on the link adfly always pops up. It would be a great help!

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