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Messages - TheSmileGiver

Pages: [1]
I have to say, I agree so very much to this.
We need new faces. We need more staff.  I know its hard for them to pick new people, as to be fair.  But by doing nothing, they look even worse.  The game needs more players for all the hours. 
Whenever this topic used to get brought up, someone would always shut it down and change the topic.  And by a good person to be chosen, I mean someone who works hard, has put good hours into the game and wants to see this game continue to prosper.  Not just someone that is a friend to the mod.  Because then that's just unfair when they only choose their own friends.  We need more people like you.  Flat out honest on that.  I've seen how you are in the game, and you are astounding for what you do.  We need more players like you.

Leaving / Re: Time to move on
« on: November 26, 2016, 07:26:33 am »
I'm wishing you the best of luck on whatever you decide to do my friend.  I'm always around on Skype, so feel free to message me whenever. 
There are a lot of things I can agree to, and while I know the staff IS working on getting things running, it is a bit sad that it is taking so much time.
I hope that once things get situated, you'll return to the game.  Because you are one of the few people I enjoy seeing.

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