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Messages - buggerbug50

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Discussion Board / Re: Calling Godzilla fans!
« on: September 22, 2014, 01:22:57 am »
Godzilla of course~

Game Discussion / Re: Discussing Innapropriate Topics in Public Maps
« on: September 21, 2014, 06:29:10 pm »
Personally I think they have the right to have the freedom to talk about almost anything in game, but they should definitely respect this ability and use the proper chats (group/party for the worse things). I find it irritable that they'd actually call you an idiot for being so nice. Its people like that who make the community worse.

Forum Discussion / Re: What's Your Biggest Feral Heart Fear?
« on: March 11, 2014, 01:10:42 am »
I usually ghost these forums but since you asked I thought I'd share. I believe one day the world will end, whether it's from the human race, whether is billions of years from now and the sun goes and becomes a black whole, whether we get sucked INTO a black whole, it will some day end.
My fear is that when it ends it will end in my life time. You never know with everybody pointing up nukes and you never know when things will hit the fan...

Another one of my fears is that there really is no after life...I may just fall asleep and never awake one day and all that will be there is nothingness. No soul. No nothing. It's like how a human always thinks there's a way out. Well picture Hell, picture the hot burning coals beneath your feet and you have no clothing. There's no way out. I'm not saying this place is real, nor fake, it's an example. This fear is burried deep within my chest and it's not going to go anywhere no matter how much I draw it out, no matter how many times I crumple it and throw it into the garbage, and the same goes for the first fears.

You don't know the meaning of fear until you stand face to face with it in real life. You don't know the meaning of fear until your mind debates about it now and again in a war than nobody will win.

Was that dark? Oops. lol

Game Discussion / The On going FightWolves
« on: November 28, 2012, 12:54:38 am »
It has come to my attention there are numbers growing in fight wolves/ fight dogs and many people agree this is extremely offensive. It connects very much to the real world and many agree to stop it, but the fighters claim (and I quote) "This is nothing like the real world, this is merely in game". But the gladiators say "We are gladiators not fighters" Yet the gladiators ARE fighters what do all of these groups have in common? Well all of themfight in arenas like people do in the real world. Many request, and I am one of them, that this stops because we see it as animal cruelty and I wish to stop it. So please reply to this and if a mod/admin gets pulled in and wishes for it to stop I will be very grateful and I speak for all of COV Anti Fightwolves. Thank you and please do reply.

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