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Messages - silentdragon

Pages: [1]
Help Us Improve the Game / Re: \\ Texture Submissions //
« on: July 29, 2024, 02:38:11 am »
I'd like to apply!

I recently got back into texturing recently, so I don't have too many examples.

Here are the ones I did recently:
(Cursor, and minimap.)
(Start screen)

(GUI stuff)
Went with a gold galaxy themed stuff, although it isn't permanent, it is moreso me testing things out. So i might change it whenever I can.

Older examples:
(Old cursor I did back in 2018 or so.)
(Old critter texture I did back in 2018.)

Those are my examples for now. I could've done more but once again, just got back into it again recently.
I forgot, here's also this one

Another cursor I did.

If this is still relevant then I might try to apply!

Although, I do have IIH so my work might be a tad bit slow :'DD

Yes, this is still relevant~

Slow works are okay! Life comes first, always. We all have to adult so it is completely understandable.
I just posted my submission! Albeit, there isn't many examples since I just got back into doing textures just recently, and it is mostly me testing out GUI textures, etc.

Help Us Improve the Game / Re: \\ Texture Submissions //
« on: July 27, 2024, 02:01:51 am »
I'd like to apply!

I recently got back into texturing recently, so I don't have too many examples.

Here are the ones I did recently:
(Cursor, and minimap.)
(Start screen)

(GUI stuff)
Went with a gold galaxy themed stuff, although it isn't permanent, it is moreso me testing things out. So i might change it whenever I can.

Older examples:
(Old cursor I did back in 2018 or so.)
(Old critter texture I did back in 2018.)

Those are my examples for now. I could've done more but once again, just got back into it again recently.

If this is still relevant then I might try to apply!

Although, I do have IIH so my work might be a tad bit slow :'DD

News Archives / Re: October Update Part 1
« on: October 07, 2018, 08:47:06 pm »
Congrats to the new moderators! ^^

I am hoping the same as NKM though, though could be just because I been anxious ^^'

Art Gallery / Re: My Artwork
« on: August 02, 2017, 09:42:41 pm »
Thank you all <3

Art Gallery / Re: My Artwork
« on: August 02, 2017, 11:39:01 am »
Your artwork is very cute and ever so adorable!
I especially admire the space painting, the array of colour really brings out how magical space can seem.

Thank you very much!

Art Gallery / My Artwork
« on: August 02, 2017, 11:33:56 am »

1.Revived an old OC from 2015

2. Space drawing that I've done (One of my best drawings that I've done...for now)

3. Gift that I did for a friend (He haves a crush on me though)

That's all I guess, if you wanna see more. Check out my DA!

Sorry that the images is too big..

Pages: [1]