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Messages - Edgegod

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Game Discussion / Re: Creepy Game Encounters
« on: July 17, 2013, 01:28:24 pm »
Creepy encounters...
Well I had only one basically. But I wasn't the only one it happened to. It actually sounds like a cheesey movie really ._.

It was a new map, based on a location from a comic that there was a shadow demon haunting it.
It had a dark gloomy sky, dark everything, but thats about it for the map itself.
Heres the creepy part:
I kept seeing a black shadow and a name tag flicker around. My friend came and the same thing. So I rounded up some noobs into a pack, who had no clue about the comic or the map's origin.
Most of the pack kept seeing a name tag flicker past though no one was there. Just flicker. Not run by like e key. Like it popped up for a split second. Others saw a flicker of black across their screen. A few others heard the sound for walking in game, though they were alone at the time.
One guy started recording. We saw the name tag, the black, the sound, and then his fh crashed.

Sounds like b******* right? Eventually I told them the maps purpose, and what it's location was based on. Most of them flipped out and paniced, and blocked me. A few started laughing their asses of thinking I got some mods or whatever for the map.
Trust me, a map that you can make shadows flash across the screen and random nametags pop up would be amazing for a horror map, but in no way was this intentional.

We got rid of the map a few days later because one person said his little sister went on the map and started crying after the shadow popped onto the screen :'D

Somebody has to make that into a feral heart comic, maybe a feral heart comic parody?

This is doable...
And should be shortly done once I get off my lazy butt and decide to draw.

To put it simply and quickly: Godmodders. Illiteracy to the point where it's stupid. Map claimers.

I never have randomly raged at a warrior, but I turned to hate them quickly.
Mainly because of all the illiterates and power players, and simply because of the unoriginality and territory claims.
I join their RPs now and then when my friend is there, but all in all, I hate warriors. I keep away from them, ignore most, and never even bother looking at their advertisements.
But that doesn't mean I flip out over them ._.
Ive chatted it up with them for hours at times, and gotten into a good RP with them on some random species and they allowed me to join.

Gosh, since I often times roleplay as a warrior cat (I rarely do nowadays) I hope you don't judge me or hate me too much.

I cannot deny the fact that a majority of people who roleplay as Warrior cats are like that, map-claimers, godmodders, etc. It's just a shame that you can't find many who are considerate of other players using the public maps. Me and my friends are the very few who do. If someone comes around where we are roleplaying, we don't go up to interact with them unless they come to interact with us. We won't go over to them and demand that they get out of "our territory".

As for the terms of "unoriginality", there are few that do some different things in their warriors RP that DON'T go by the books. Me and some friends have mixed things up in our Warrior RPs, such as adding a few twists that aren't found in the books. We have done warrior RPs that had twists of Homestuck, Harry Potter, The Last Unicorn, and other story elements to them. I even made a clan that wasn't the "traditional" kind. The clan I came up with had ties to Ancient Egypt, and had ranks such as sacrificial preists, shawmans, magicians, and so on. However, that roleplay recieved so much bashing from die-hard Warrior fans that many members left for something more based on the books. Some would tell me such things like "Cats would no nothing about ancient Egypt!" or "Pharaohstar isn't a realistic warrior leader's name!" The list goes on and on. Some of our other non-traditional Warrior cat roleplays would be ridiculed by other Warrior fans.
"A unicorn fox caring for clan kits? That's stupid!"
"Clan kits don't have lusi as parents!" (Homestuck reference).
"Clans shouldn't become friends with animals of other species!"
"A clan leader can't be a pharaoh!"
"Clan cats don't rely on a silly unicorn fox to heal their wounds! That's nonsense!"
"A cat and a fox cannot be best friends! NO WAY!"
"You can't be mates with a rogue! It's ridiculous!"
The list goes on and on.

So don't say I haven't tried being original, because I have. I've tried adding a few twists to some Warrior roleplays and just get chewed out by many of the Warrior fans.
There are times when I wish some people would give new ideas a chance every once in a while. Doing the same old thing of going by the books can get a little boring. We (me and my friends) all done the traditional go by the books kind of roleplay too many times. We want to change it up some.

As for the illiteracy part, I don't know about you but I've seen more illiterate wolf and fox roleplayers than I have WC roleplayers. Maybe I'm just one of the few lucky ones to find the literate kind, I don't know.

I tend to see mainly warrior cat RPs that are illiterate, but that might just be since I prefer certain locations of the map. And yes, there are many people who hate things that are out of the normal, which tends to get rather annoying at times -u-

Game Discussion / Re: What do YOU like to RP?
« on: July 10, 2013, 05:42:47 pm »
I'll take anything with gore, arguments,  or can take my twisted humor.

A anthro RP that doesnt go with what you see on google, just the basic 'I can walk on back legs and can hold things in my hands'
Or anything with myths and legends.
Those are hard to find though.

A good wolf RP, or a group that allows big cats is nice to. Not lions, just big cats like cougars and lynxes, something a bit more out of the common tigers and such.

If you actually looked at my character options, you would find I dont have a legit wolf, lion, or fox, or anything that everyone else seems to have. The only thing I have is a hyena, but the rest are random I dont know what that I change now and then.

To put it simply and quickly: Godmodders. Illiteracy to the point where it's stupid. Map claimers.

I never have randomly raged at a warrior, but I turned to hate them quickly.
Mainly because of all the illiterates and power players, and simply because of the unoriginality and territory claims.
I join their RPs now and then when my friend is there, but all in all, I hate warriors. I keep away from them, ignore most, and never even bother looking at their advertisements.
But that doesn't mean I flip out over them ._.
Ive chatted it up with them for hours at times, and gotten into a good RP with them on some random species and they allowed me to join.

Game Discussion / Re: Cross-Gender Rpers?
« on: July 10, 2013, 05:30:02 pm »
Ive had encounters like this in wolfquest so often..
I rp as a male because everyone always mistook me for a male anyway when I was a female.
At one point I corrected someone because they called me a he. Not my char, me.
They quit the game. Then the next day, they sent their new found mate after me to kill me.
We were buddies for a month before that happened -u-

In FH, someone flipped out and raged, powerplayed, and said they would get a mod.  a cat was following my char around, asked to be a mate, then just exploded when they found out I wasnt :'D

Different time, me and my char both were mistaken for a male. A joke was made out of it on a newbie, because for some reason she liked my char. I went afk for whatever reason, and when I come back, shes raging at me. Then she leaves the group.
I ask the leader why. "I told her you were a girl c: "

Game Discussion / Re: When typos go horribly wrong...
« on: July 10, 2013, 05:24:43 pm »
Lets see....
c in sec switched to x...
shape shifting lost a f..
Or just regular shift losing an f..
I wrote 'licking' instead of clicking once..
And, not exactly a type, but for some reason I wrote 'plastic' instead of passive. which ended up with 'all those wolves are plastic >_>'

Game Discussion / Re: Creepy Game Encounters
« on: July 10, 2013, 04:56:32 pm »
Creepy encounters...
Well I had only one basically. But I wasn't the only one it happened to. It actually sounds like a cheesey movie really ._.

It was a new map, based on a location from a comic that there was a shadow demon haunting it.
It had a dark gloomy sky, dark everything, but thats about it for the map itself.
Heres the creepy part:
I kept seeing a black shadow and a name tag flicker around. My friend came and the same thing. So I rounded up some noobs into a pack, who had no clue about the comic or the map's origin.
Most of the pack kept seeing a name tag flicker past though no one was there. Just flicker. Not run by like e key. Like it popped up for a split second. Others saw a flicker of black across their screen. A few others heard the sound for walking in game, though they were alone at the time.
One guy started recording. We saw the name tag, the black, the sound, and then his fh crashed.

Sounds like b******* right? Eventually I told them the maps purpose, and what it's location was based on. Most of them flipped out and paniced, and blocked me. A few started laughing their asses of thinking I got some mods or whatever for the map.
Trust me, a map that you can make shadows flash across the screen and random nametags pop up would be amazing for a horror map, but in no way was this intentional.

We got rid of the map a few days later because one person said his little sister went on the map and started crying after the shadow popped onto the screen :'D

Game Discussion / Re: The most AMUSING powerplayers in all of FH.
« on: July 10, 2013, 04:34:19 pm »
Here's a weird one.
Some random cat is following around my character, who is not even a cat for five minutes. She talks for I dont know how long to me even though I repeatedly say I dont like people text talk. Eventually THIS HAPPENS-

Cat: cn u b my m8?
Me: Ima girl..
Me: Thas nice
Cat: -kills eats heart rips out eyes no miss- tat is wut u get 4 liying
Me... Uh huh... I never said I was a guy, but ok..
Cat: (insert some sort of horribly spelled raging power play here. I forget what she wrote. I think there was something about her being young and mistreated crammed in there somewhere.)

Or this, which happened recently-
*Me as a hyena, friend as a warrior cat, derping around Fluorite, arguing about something*
Random Warrior Cat: Creeps closer to the hyena, fur bristling, then crouches down quietly and waits for the right moment to spring and help his clan mate. Leaping out of the bushes he used his amazing strength to tackle the hyena and save the she-cat.
Me: ._.
Random Cat: "Dont worry m'lady you'll be safe momentarily." He continues to rip apart the hyena, letting it's insides spill all over the damp grass.
Friend: I think literate god modders are worse then illits...
Cat: Seeing the hyena was dead, he walked over to the she-cat, grinning. *insert some sort of sexist remark about him saving her so she now has to be his mate and he can **** when ever he wants*
Me: Im not even dead ... I wasnt doing anything either...
Friend: I can see why he demands a mate and doesnt have one already.
Cat: The tom-cat jumped at the hyena, seeing it somehow lived, and tore out it's throat, ripping out its eyes.
Me: dude... Get lost... We arent even Rping, and we dont know you...
Cat: Shut up god modding hyena, I legit killed you like five times >:I
Me: *is blocked by the cat* You blocked yet? >_>
Friend: Neh, hes still trying to have babies. *blocks cat*

Different one, though it didnt happen to me, was some adult lion running around in bonfire and ****ing every baby lion there was. When the other lions tried to stop him, he just insta killed all of them. Then he started raging about how no one loved him and something something something.

Heres one from my days as an illiterate. As illiterate as I would ever get.
Me: -sits and stares at the sky boredly-
Random wolf tiger thingy: wt r u u l00k so weer
Me: heh?
RWTT: u look weerd
Me: ok..
RWTT: get of my teritry
Me: but its mine -_- i was sitting here for 1/2 an hour
RWT: -kilz no mis no dog no nthing-
Me: no
Me: wat?
Me: but i dint do anything -_-
Me: *blocks* :I

End of the weird discussion...

Whut? Females are bigger then males? In all species of hyena or only one or two?
I thought I read it that males are slightly bigger then the females >_>
ANYWAY, is there a chance this RP is still open?

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