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Messages - XrsorrelrX

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Hey
« on: July 24, 2012, 07:22:54 am »
Um well I'm sorrel so just call me that or sorra

Well sense I'm sure everyone always wants to know if you have a you tube account and or deviant-art (or is that only me) I do I made may YouTube in 09' when my creative was lame to say the least anyway I ended up naming myself spottedleaf21firepaw there yes shrink in the horror anyway my Da isn't that bad but I might change it sense I never added sphinx to my Da anyhow my user there is sphinx-sorrel

um well also I'm a girl however boyish i may seam I also have a cs account my name there if fighter

lets see lets see well I can't think of anything else thats important but yeah have any questions just ask ^^;

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