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Messages - Moonncloud

Pages: [1]
IT HAPPENS TO ME TOO! This happens ALL the time >:( it's annoying

I dont understand why its doing this either... before I was able to download it but now for some odd reason its not allowing it since I have a new computer, or well a clean computer.

Game Help / File Corrupted.. Need help please
« on: January 02, 2012, 08:31:42 pm »
Ok, I need help badly.

I went to official Downloads and clicked run and waited for it to download so I could play ferrel hearts... After it was done it said the file was corrupted and to get a new copy of the program. How do I fix this? Redownloading didnt help either. I'm not sure if clicking "Save" insted of "Run" would help any. I would try this but I have know Idea where to save it to.

Can someone please help me :3

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