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Messages - Singing

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If this is available I'd love to get back into the game, and as a Colorado native myself its REALLY nice to see a roleplay based there c:

Other Games / Re: Wild Cats Online - real WARRIORS mmorpg
« on: July 15, 2014, 01:53:57 am »
Hello there! I'm having a bit of an issue. Whenever I start up the game, I don't get to a registration/login page. All i'm getting is this screen with a moon and a reddish sky with what I assume are leaves falling down. Is there a button you have to press or something or did I miss a game file or what? I'm pretty confused with it.

Game Help / Server Issues
« on: March 23, 2013, 12:06:26 am »
So, this has been like this for the past week or so.

When will the FH server be back up?

I know that I shouldn't complain that there is like a lot of configuring and stuff to FH but, seriously.

Hey, idk why but I did something wrong and idk what. heres my code:

material preset_11_bodyMatL
            texture preset_11body.jpg
material preset_11_bodyMatR
            texture preset_11body.jpg
material preset_11_headMatL
            texture preset_11head.jpg
material preset_11_headMatR
            texture preset_11head.jpg
material preset_11_eyeMatL
         cull_hardware none
         cull_software none
            texture preset_11eye.jpg
material preset_11_eyeMatR
         cull_hardware none
         cull_software none
            texture preset_11eye.jpg
material preset_11_tailMat
            texture preset_11tail.jpg
material preset_11_maneMat
         lighting off
         cull_hardware none
         cull_software none
         scene_blend alpha_blend
         depth_write off
            texture preset_11mane.png
material preset_11_equipMat
            texture preset_11equip.jpg
material preset_11_equipMat
            texture preset_11equip.jpg

And heres a screen of what happens to my wings:

Anyway u could help me? Thx!

EDIT: Now I changed it up a big, but the wings are pure white. Any ideas?

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