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Messages - scar123

Pages: [1]
Character Name-Pinefoot
Character Rank-Warrior
Clan wanted-ShadowClan
Why would you want to join our roleplay?-Because I have OWC (Obsession over Warriors Cats xD).
Activity Level (Scale of 1-7)- About 4-7 or 5-7
Roleplay sample-The dark brown tabby pelt of Pinefoot glistened in the moonlight. He followed his leader, Toadstar, on a raiding party to ThunderClan. The warriors that followed were Oakleaf, Iceclaw, Tigerstripe, Badgertooth, Robinflight, and more. He narrowed his eyes as they entered ThunderClan territory, spraying his scent on a few trees. He followed his leader silently, only the sounds of the forest night could only be heard. The pace of the raiding party slowed. As they neared the camp of ThunderClan, Pinefoot unsheathed his thorn-sharp claws and licked his lips. His leader let out a yowl, and the whole party of ShadowClan warriors sprinted into the camp. Some cats stirred out the sound of the yowl, and were clearly bewildered of the sudden invasion. Pinefoot saw a silver tabby tom he recognized at a gathering. Silverfang! He sprinted towards the tabby and reared up on his legs and paw-swiped him with claws outstretched. The tabby fell to the ground and Pinefoot started clawing out clumps of fur. But he suddenly felt teeth gripped on his neck, dragging him off Silverfang. The cat hooked his claws on his shoulders. Pinefoot yowled in pain and outrage. He wriggled free and turned to see a tortoiseshell she-cat. He seen her before, but just couldn't remember her name. The she-cat clawed down on his face and Pinefoot pounced on her. The two cats began wrestling on the ground, and then Silverfang joined in the fight. He clawed down Pinefoot's spine and he let go of the tortoiseshell. He hissed at Silverfang and slashed his face, giving him a scar that he'll always remember. He ran from the two cats, looking for a new target. He looked around the clearing, a fray of spitting and hissing cats. He spotted his Clanmate Robinflight battling a huge golden tabby. He flexed his claws and sprinted at the cat. He pounced on him and clawed out clumps of fur. The tabby belly scratched him and he repulsed back. Robinflight clawed down his neck and hissed, and Pinefoot stood to his paws and pounced on him. Robinflight held him down to, but then he heard a yowl and recognized the ThunderClan leader, Acornstar."Stop!" The fighting cats stopped and they all looked up and set their gaze on Acornstar."ShadowClan have come to show us not to hunt on their lands, we have been stealing since our prey is very scarce." Toadstar smirked at the leader, then to the mass of cats."I think ThunderClan has learned their lesson. If they're ever spotted hunting on ShadowClan territory, then they will be killed." Toadstar meowed, then yowled for his warriors to follow. The battle was short but fierce. ThunderClan hadn't stood a chance. They were caught off guard and ShadowClan had the upper hand. The ShadowClanners left camp, padding proudly and quietly to their camp.

Just downloaded it, the map is beautiful.^-^

Yay! I'll download the map now. Thanks so much.^^

I need help getting a picture for Jaggedfang.

Character name-Jaggedfang
Age-Eh, let's see... young adult
Rank-Err, I don't really know the ranks for hyenas... but I could be a spy =)
Parents-Lehandros (Father) and Tinara (Mother)
Mate-I would like Hadhi to be my mate...
Cubs-None yet
Personality-He always wanted to follow in his father's footsteps. His father was a blood-thirsty lion killer. He grew in his parent's Clan, called he Executors. Jaggedfang grew into a hateful and menacing hyena. His hatred for lions grows everyday, making him a mean, sneaky, and wily hyena.
About-Idk what to put here...
Picture-Idk how to post picture. But I can describe him, he has a lightish gray pelt, a black mohawk, green slit eyes, and a white underbelly.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: TheLastWolves Mapped Roleplay
« on: November 02, 2013, 05:49:55 pm »
Name:Scarlet (I know the name 'Scarlet' is considered a 'girls' name, but I just love it and people just usually call him Scar.)
In-game username:scar123
Breed:Just a wolf
Age:7 years and 3 months
Desired Rank:Alpha male?
Appearance:He's black with a white underbelly. Has black jaguar markings visible on his belly. Has white under his eye and a black spotted hyena muzzle. With a red mohawk and red orbs. I know that's unrealistic so tell me if it is and I'll change him to a realistic appearance.
Personality:Known for his strict manner, Scarlet can be aggressive. He gives everyone a fair judgement. He is very prideful and tends to boast about achievements he had made. He will risk his own life for his pack.
Background info:Chooses not to tell.
Mate:I think Allana? If I become Alpha male
Other info:None
Preset download:No

Game Discussion / Re: The most AMUSING powerplayers in all of FH.
« on: March 23, 2013, 09:31:32 pm »
So, I was my wolf character called "Darkness" in South Pole. I was alone with my mate. We were just siting down next together on a hill. Out of the blue, some random wolf comes and says this is my territory and he says LEAVE. We say no and here is when he started to powerplay...

Random wolf:Bites your head off making you fall.
Me:O_o You're a creep.
Random wolf:I'm not werid!!!!! Body slams wolf no miss.
My mate:wtf can you just leave.
Random wolf:NEVA!!!!!!!!!!!! bites tail off and spits out no miss. Picks up wolf and slam her on the ground.
Me:Okay you're a freak, get a life you powerplayer!!!!!!!
Random wolf:No.I'm.NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scrathes eyes out and then bites his paw off no miss

So, this freak continues to powerplay, and then all of the sudden. This happened, this part really had me dying laughing!!!!! XD

Random wolf:Eyes glow red and paws turn into fire. His mussels extended out and goes into complete rage.
Me and mate at the same time lol:Oh lord
Random wolf:Lightning bolt comes from the heavens and strikes wolves no miss.
Me:Okay, are you a 7 or 6 year old kid cuz you're VERY unrealistic.
Random wolf:Slams wolf underground and pees in mouth no miss.
Me and mate:WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Random wolf:F**** female wolf and makes pups with her.
My mate:O_o Are you nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're creepy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me:THAT'S MY MATE DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Random wolf:Sorry for that nonsence, i just really want a mate. Can she be mine. Please, no one will be with me. :'(
My mate: I AM NOT GONNA BE YO MATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me:Yeah, i called dibs already. ;)
Random wolf:NEVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kills both wolves then eats vomits and eats.
Me: Okay, you're either a little kid or a mental freak.
Random wolf:F****  bodies and makes kids.

So he continues to mate with us and we just leave.

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