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Messages - Loafbud

Pages: [1] 2
Art Gallery / Loaf's Digital Artwork
« on: July 05, 2017, 03:46:38 pm »

Ohhh snap,

when was the last time I posted here???

I miss this place, holy bananas! quq

I used to be known as TangerineHat, but I recently changed my user

to match with the other currents ones everywhere else I'm at.

I looked back at the oldest drawings I've posted on here and,

man, I gotta say that I managed to go through some improvement! ;v;

And uhhh I'm super nervous and excited for this! So do expect this to update often~

//and I'll try to start playing FH actively again, but time has crunched really hard on me, so I hope I'll get any time!

So here ya go *lobs a bunch of art*


My previous sona used to be Amosu, but I didn't like her anymore and
]replaced her in December 2016,
so I have a new sona now... Her name is Allie!

This is Allie's current appearance.

She is an Amilisk -- Amarok + Basilisk hybrid.
(basically a wolf and a wingless dragon, if you put it in a non-mythical way)

Alrighty, I think I'm done here with the main post!  When I get the chance,
I'll post more of my recent drawings as replies~

Art Gallery / Warrior Cats drawings derppp c:
« on: March 05, 2015, 12:02:05 pm »
Some feral cats for you! <3  Warrior cat drawings yays.  :P  The group of drawings are actually not draw in my style 100%... well, they ARE, but I altered my style to a more messy, scratchy, rough look that gives the characters a more "I'm a feral cat and I scratch Twolegs" look. c:  

SDFSDAFJKSAF!?!?!? I cannot draw mock-water-streak stuff grrrrr!!!!1!1

Stories / Re: My little pony... (Creepypasta)
« on: March 05, 2015, 05:42:12 am »
Wow!  And just to think that I actually had a Happy Tree Friends moment in a dream last night.  Really!  Nice 'pasta!  ;)

Art Gallery / Sasha LaFleur's parents :: AdGtH post
« on: February 12, 2015, 10:32:20 pm »
Hello, guys!  Do you remember All Dogs Go To Heaven?  When I was a little kid, I was a die-hard canine fan and absolutely LOVED when animated dogs would take the role of human traits and sing sticky songs that would just stick to my head like little cobwebs. <3  
Now,  if you remember or have heard of All Dogs Go To Heaven, do you remeber the firsst movie when Charlie's parents were revealed?  No, they weren't revealed as active characters.  They were shown in a book as portraits.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, Google it.

Anywhos, I've did research and never really heard of Sasha LaFleur's parents.  Are they alive?  Are they dead?  Were they part of a wealthy family or a low-income family?  Were they your average street dogs or famous dogs that sung in bars?

Well, here's my perception on how Sasha's parents might look like.

In my view, her father is Brutus D. LaFleur and her mother is Jessie K Waggins.  Brutus's breed is unknown therefore he is considered a mutt.  He was found in a junkyard and basically he and a couple of other mutts live there with him.  He's grown up with them ever since he was a puppy.  He rarely leaves the place and depends the junkyard for the food they find beneath the stinky piles of rubbish.  He's not winking at you; he's lost his right eye.  He was born with one arm.
On the other hand, Jessie belonged to an owner.  Like Sasha, she sung at dog bars and, when she does, she wears a long, fluffy thing around her neck and a feathery headwear.  She sings slow, romantic songs that lets the dogs relax and chat with their newly met or long-term mates.  Jessie's been looking for a mate ever since.  Jessie is an Irish Setter mix; she's not purebred.

Now you're wondering, why on earth does the fabulous and pretty Sasha LaFleur's father look beat up and a complete mutt?  Well, that's something I cannot answer.  Sasha's got most of her good looks from her mother.

And, in my perspective, Sasha was not the only child.  She had three littermates.

... I think I'm gonna turn this into a fan-fiction.  :-\

Art Gallery / Re: Loaf's Art Gallery :: Update
« on: February 09, 2015, 11:38:09 pm »
More Art! <3

Charlie Barkin sprite gif (a sprite sheet in progress for an upcoming fan-made project)

Cadence Barkin (a daughter of Charlie Barkin, fan-made by me)

another All Dogs Go To Heaven FC. c:

Yeah... it's only three this tme.  Sorry!  But I'm not trying to upload my entire library of drawings lol.  When I was a little child, my whole life involved around animated canines and pooches.  I still love them.  And All Dogs Go To Heaven was my main source of watching hilarious, animated dogs.  <3  It was the first time I saw dogs talk, go out and have a drink in bars, smoke, kiss, dress up in human clothing, you name it! 
haha Okay guys.  Take care! ;3

Art Gallery / MOAR Art 2.0
« on: February 07, 2015, 03:53:43 pm »

Wheatha G. Fieldcorn; an All Dogs Go to Heaven-based fan character. ^^

A w.i.p project of mine called Digimon Bash: a Digimon + Mario Party (classic) crossover (will NOT be a fanfiction).

Gatomon <3<3<3<3

Tantrumon (fan character) -- name derived from 'tantrum', as it throws fits of anger occasionally.

Canaltail (oc); The prefix Canal- is common in my fan-Clan called ChasmClan, since they live in the underground.  The modern cats, however, do not use it.

Pupplu- a fanmade Pokemon.  I'm not really into Pokemon; I prefer Digimon. c:  As you can see, I'm in a digimon mood XDD

Well'p!  That's all, guys!  Wait for the next batch! c:

Art Gallery / Re: I'm back! Here's some art for u...
« on: February 06, 2015, 01:38:57 pm »
Thnx guys <3 I've been a dead sack of potato beads for the past several months.  I'm so excited to be back!!

Art Gallery / Loaf's Art Gallery :: Update
« on: February 06, 2015, 12:01:08 am »
UPDATE :: (2/7/2015)
Updated once in a while.  I will only post a certain amount each time due to prevention of 'a long post'.  I will upload new art as a new reply to this original post. ^^


Enjoy! :3



Amosu the very independent dispersal wolf

Amosu is in a grudge 8I


A fanfic of my... fan-Clan

Stumpymask (another Warriors OC for my fan-Clan <3)

i shouldn't explain this im too scared.  :-X

Ruddertail (a Warriors OC for my fan-Clan)

Dovewing (left) and Tigerheart and Bumblestripe (cats in spaccceeeshshsh)

I would share more,  but I don't want this post to be SUPER BIG. XDD
Well, I'm outta here! c:

Art Gallery / Re: Loafbud's Digital Art!
« on: October 14, 2014, 01:55:49 pm »
I'm quite impressed, Ms. Ye're one talented artist! I can see now yer hands work wonders.
Are ye' by chance plannin' on incorporatin' artwork into yer career if ye' have not already? For example, becomin' a media artist or a concept designer, etc. If ye' don't mind my curiosity.

Actually, I do plan on becoming a cartoonist, graphic designer, writer, video game designer, singer, etc.  I'm an all-around talented type.  I m also an INJF (or is it INFJ?), which makes my personality type very rare.

Art Gallery / Re: Loafbud's Digital Art!
« on: October 13, 2014, 07:42:34 pm »
This is amazing! You have a true talent here, and you definitely don't put it to waste. You keep up with the amazing work, I can see that you can go far with this. You have a natural eye for it. I would adore to see more, if you ever find the time ~<3

I currently don't own a personal laptop and/or desktop at my home.  We were given "personal" laptops by our school for the whole year.  Sadly, as of now, my drawing tablet recently had its magnet died... so I can't digitally draw for a while. :(  But thank you for the complement!  <3 I need positive feelings in my life. D:

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