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Messages - Flashlight

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Heyo!
« on: July 12, 2014, 05:07:03 am »
I've been registered for quiiiiite a while now (maybe since last year's Valentine's Day, I honestly cannot remember  :-\) so I can't remember whether or not I've made an introductory thread discussing my epicness or not already. I'm too lazy to find out anyway  ;D So I shall introduce myself today!
SO HEYO-MAYO! My name is Flashlight (don't question it...), and I'm often found running around amok on Feralheart, and I don't post much in the forums. At all. Because I'm too busy in Ascension Island  8) I'm often Diamond the wolf ingame, so feel free to friend me and all dat good shtuffs. I'm usually quite friendly, even though I have a tendency to Hulk out and go completely rage mode when my day's been horrible...  ::)
Pardon if I've broken any forum rules by accident, I didn't mean it  :-[ The evil kiwis made me do it!   :-X

Au revoir!

Game Discussion / Re: Actors and Actresses needed!
« on: March 05, 2013, 03:58:26 am »
Ingame Name: Flashlight
Preffered Character to use: Pinky has two pink curly lines on her cheeks, and she's blue with a white underside. She also has purple diamonds running down her back. I forget her eye color -.- She's a wolf, slightly skinny, and you WILL know when she's in the house.
Preffered Videos to be in: Music videos!!  ;D

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