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Messages - Ylrai

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FeralHeart Username: AprilGreenFlower
Character Name: Sparrowheart
Desired Clan: Stormclan
Desired Position: Deputy
Something about your character: She's hotheaded, and loyal. Has blue eyes, and a brown pelt mixed with darker browns, and blacks. Rather lithe, medium sized, leaning more on the tall side. Sparrow is twenty seven moons, and has lived in Stormclan her whole life. Her parents passed away due to malnutrition (during the winter), and she never had any siblings, because her only one was a stillborn.
RP Sample: The mist had crept upon her. It was nighttime; Stormclan was asleep, though due to it being winter time, and prey being scarce, Sparrowheart had decided to venture out of the camp to hunt. Her long, silky pelt kept her warm, though the chill of the night still seemed to bite at her, constantly. The moon had risen high in the sky, illuminating the forest perfectly for her. She reached the streams after a few moments of walking, and when her toes touched the edge of the water bank, she stared down into her reflection that rested on the crystalline water. She was completely captured by the azure eyes staring back at her, until something moved - rustled - behind her, and she snapped out of a trance.

In-Game Username: AprilGreenFlower
Character Name:  Ivykit
Clan: Undecided.
Gender: Female
Rank: Kit
A Little Bit Of Info About Your Character: Ivy is a grey kit with darker grey tabby markings, and green eyes. She is calm natured, and will be, when she grows up, rather intelligent. Before she joined the clans she was a kittypet.
Roleplay Sample:  The ashen grey kit lay curled up in the shelter of the abandoned foxes den, shivering from the cold, and the thunder and lightning. Her teeth chattered as she spoke with all that she could manage, a hushed whisper, "make it stop." Ivy spoke to no one in particular, her green eyes peering open to look around the den, as if someone was there... but no one was. "Please..." the words were caught in her throat, as she clenched her eyes shut once again.

In-Game Username: AprilGreenFlower
Character name (If undecided, leave blank): Snowstar
Character appearance (see above): Medium-sized white/grey she-cat, blue eyes
Rank desired (Leader/Deputy/Med. Cat): EchoClan Leader
Are you in any other RP?: One other, but it's not very active.
On a scale of 1-7 (days of the week), how active are you?: 7/7
Do you have a skype? (Only answer YES or NO. If we choose your application, we will ask for your skype name): No
Please post a RP sample (Length must be one small paragraph at the least): The midnight skies thundered with flashes of white strikes hitting the clouds. The she-cat lay curled up in her nest, shivering, aqua-blue eyes growing wider and wider with fear. "I wish... it would just stop..." She grumbled to herself, teeth chattering as her talons dug into the dirt beneath her.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Warriors: RFA l Recruiting!
« on: November 11, 2014, 01:32:58 am »
Hello, and Welcome to my advertisement for Warriors: Reborn From the Ashes! This is a Four Clan, Uniquely Plotted, Literate, Very Active, Sited, and Mapped Warrior cat Roleplay.

Status - New and Active
Season - LeafBare



All high ranks are taken. Though you are still able to audition for another normal rank.

Like WindClan, RabbitClan is swift. They have a strong spiritual, and physical connection with StarClan.
They are fiercely loyal, quick-witted, with good instincts. They are friendly to other clans, though are not easily trusting. This clan struggles with prey a bit more than the others, but is still strong.


All high ranks except medicine cat are taken. So you may audition for that, or a normal rank.

Being like ShadowClan, WolfClan are naturally the dark-hearts of the forest. They are generally isolated from other clans, rarely associating in alliances. But, they are clever, cunning, loyal, and good cats when it comes down to it.


Leader is taken, other high ranks are open. You can audition for med cat, deputy or a normal rank.

As they are similar to RiverClan, PerchClan are water bugs. They are other wise calm, collected and generally kind; having an appreciation for beautiful things. Sometimes, they can be fierce, with a bit of a temper.


Leader is taken, other high ranks are open. You can audition for med cat, deputy or a normal rank.

Bearclan is like Thunderclan in many ways. Strong, brave, with a deep appreciation for honor and starclan. They are pure, and true with a strong sense of honesty; sometimes they can be daredevils.


Normal Rank Audition

Character Name:
FH Username:
Rank: (Kit, warrior, apprentice)
Activity Level:
Roleplay Sample:

High Rank Audition

Character Name:
High Rank Wanted:
Have you ever been a staff in another WC roleplay?:
Do you promise do remain active?:
Activity Level:
RP Sample:

Our Site is

Request a Preset/Marking / Re: Two different color eyes?
« on: November 09, 2014, 10:15:48 am »
I sent a PM your way.

Request Maps / Re: Warrior cat clan request!
« on: November 08, 2014, 02:14:28 am »
Yeah, I guess I'll have to use a public map for now, but I was really hoping for something private. Anyway, I guess I'll have to wait. Thanks ^^

Request Maps / Warrior cat clan request!
« on: November 07, 2014, 07:57:23 am »
I'm looking for someone who can make a large map consisting of the four original clans from the Warrior cat books. I'd prefer someone experienced, who can make the map as detailed as possible. It must be private.

-Dense, dark forest
-territory is a bit marshy
-camp should be about the same with caves, and rocks

-Forest-y territory, with lots of rocks and plants
-lakes scattered around the territory
-camp should be about that same as all the others, but with a larger highrock

-their territory should have a lot of streams, lakes and rivers
-camp should be on an island surrounded by streams

-dry, barren territory, barely any water sources
-camp should be in a large hole in the ground (though should be able to get out of it)

Other stuff
-one or two twoleg places scattered around the map
-map should be large with all the components the clans, moonstone/pool, and gathering area in the middle
-streams should separate the territories

Thanks in advance, and please notify me if you can do this!

Request a Preset/Marking / Two different color eyes?
« on: November 06, 2014, 11:54:46 pm »
I'm looking for someone that is able to make two different color eyes on one character. One eye is light blue, the other is yellow-brown. Doesn't matter which is left, and which is right.

Request a Preset/Marking / Re: Cat Preset Needed
« on: October 05, 2014, 08:09:26 pm »
Bump. owo

Request a Preset/Marking / Cat Preset Needed
« on: September 23, 2014, 03:14:38 am »
I need a fairly simple preset made for a warrior cat RP. If you are interested in making this, please tell me first so I know, and the details are below.

Pelt: Dark Grey; almost black; underfur is the same
Eyes: Contracted Slits. One eye is pale green, the other pale blue. Doesn't matter which is left, and which right.
Above and below eyes: pure black
Nose: soft pink
Tail: the tail should be white from the tip to the middle, then black the rest of the way.
Mane: pure black
Markings: On the cat's left paw is a white sock going up to the middle of his leg, like Scourge.

And that's it. ^^ Please reply below if you can do this.

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