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Messages - Darkwolfprowler

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For some reason my game comes up with 'failed to connect to front server' :/ i have the page open, my internet is fine, i uninstalled and re-installed the game as well as restarting my laptop and it still doesn't work? has it got something to do with the page?

erm, i was in the forest at 6:00pm hoping you guys were there but you weren't?

thanks, he was a great dad - a shoulder to cry on and a guy who would shake his fist at those annoying people who just find plesure in annoying the hell outta you... i'm coming on now if its still on....

im sorry i missed it, my dad got worse with his cancer and well, i found out this morning that he passed away....

yeah, i didn't have an class though, its just an experience, also depending on how old you are, some might not take you... the one i took was literally just 1 guy with 16 birds O.o it was really embarrassing cos' when me and my step-dad was looking for the place, we drove into what we thought was a farm and said "hey... erm do you know where owl hollow is?" and the guy laughed then said "your here mates" it was SO embarrassing!

woah that's so cool! i just got back from bird handling, we handled 3 different birds, the Bengal eagle owl, Harris hawk and the peregrine Tiercel (meaning male, Peregrine falcon is  a female) i was the first one to try with the Tiercel and it scared the hell outta me xD they are lighter than they look! i even got to hold the Peregrine Tiercel while it ate from my hand... gross *shudder* so yeah, a cool experience!

aw i dont get to go to summer camp or anything... but im handling birds of prey 2morrow! :D ... what do you do in summer camp? and also, im on now if anyone wants to join me!

yes washed xD i got all the maps that were suggested and i like all of them! Gamma's dens are AWESOME! i love the coyote den! :D and seeming as i have nothing to do right now, Warrior want to meet me on your map? just so i know how to start? this is my 1st dedicated rp xD well, the 1st time i've set foot on the forums xD

-the coyote was wild yes,
- the human released her when she was around in her teens, then she was among the other cougars when the storm struck
and thanks! when is the next meeting and what map are we using? :P

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