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Messages - WolfishGrin

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Re: Map Troubles
« on: January 25, 2014, 05:09:12 pm »
Everything was done on one layer and thats what I did to start with, took the Watermill.png map and just did my own thing from there.

Game Help / Re: Map Troubles
« on: January 25, 2014, 04:37:32 pm »
4. The Image size should be even on both size, the standard size is 513 x 513 pixels.

I've tried to rename it before, doesn't work. And the art program I use is photoshop elements 7 I believe.

Game Help / Map Troubles
« on: January 25, 2014, 04:29:40 pm »

I just enter the name of the map I wish to create and it just crashes.
Before you ask, no its not the file hurdur. 513 by 513, Greyscale.

Help is very much appreciated, as I've been having this problem since as long as I can remember.

Wonder how often dey check dis.

Name: Isis Vaenhu
Gender: Female
Species of wolf: Unknown at this moment.
Pack: Whichever needs more
Rank you'd consider having: Whichever is needed most. However, I will not take guard.
Eyes colour : Very dull pink/red color.
Soul Colour: Dull pink/red color.
Past History: Unknown.
Roleplay Sample: All fibers in her body were telling her to just walk away, leave this brute to do whatever he was doing. However, being called names and such, caused her to be a bit more stubborn. Like a sudden switch had flickered on. She turned her bodice towards the obviously larger wolf. Though instead of sneering, or snarling, she merely had a calm, unnerving gaze. Not really saying anything. Well, until she just had too. "Say what you want, but I could probably pin you down with my saliva." This, was most likely true. Not that she was cockily thinking of herself as higher, but this male was underweight and like a twig. So even a squirrel could pin him down. With a yawn, she'd turn herself away from the scene and make towards the river that was not to far away. Wanting to get as far away from this, creepy male as possible. What if he had rabies or something?
Why you believe you'd be a good member of Onyx Chain: Nothing I can say that will put you in my favor, so yolo.
Activity: 7/7 if I'm having fun.
Do you have skype?: Yes.

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