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Messages - Shikute

Pages: [1]
News Archives / Re: // Feral-Heart Game Update June 2016 //
« on: October 30, 2016, 01:32:31 pm »
Oh wow thanks! No wonder I can't log in!

News Archives / Re: // Feral-Heart Game Update June 2016 //
« on: October 30, 2016, 12:03:32 pm »
Heeeey, I need some help. Somehow each time I try to login it shows this
So I thought it might just be my net and waited for the line to get better... But still the same after I tried again.

I really need some help, it has been a really long time since I play FH due to my laptop being broken.. And now I've got new one, I thought maybe I could play FH again, but this happen.

Uhm yeah, can anyone please tell me what I did wrong? The password and username is correct as far as I know... Or could it be the one I download is old version? I'm not entirely sure but if so, I would love to know where I can get the latest one. Hope someone will help me with this ASAP.

Oh and uhm, I hope I post this at the right place.... I really hate posting for help at the wrong place.. I'm not really a type that hang out much in forum, so yeah I get lost often in place like this..

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