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Messages - xsilentfrostx

Pages: [1] 2
In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: -Look to the sky-
« on: November 29, 2014, 07:01:48 pm »
Hey! I'm re opening my rp group, send in an audition if youre interested!

Name: Med lab injection test 13 ( aka test 13 or IT13) [tell me if you want me to change the name :D)
Difference: Genius, Metal claws, robotic right hind leg, heterochromia (yellow and blue) [tell me if you want me to remove any]
Age: 2 years
Animal: coyote/wolf  
Description of Appearance or Picture: mostly white, grey and black with blue highlighted fur, yellow and blue eyes. Large sharp robotic back leg. Very tall and lanky, long furred. (mostly white with grey and blue underbelly and black stripes.) scars littering body.
RP Sample: nerp
Gender: Female

(edit, I apologize for re opening this old thread! I didn't check I was being careless, my apologies.)

Forum Games / Re: What song are you listening to?
« on: April 14, 2014, 12:01:56 am »
Homestuck game of life :3

Discussion Board / Re: Padlock, anyone?
« on: April 06, 2014, 08:51:05 pm »
love it! it seems cute and I cant think of any other ships in the story. I love DHMIS and I watched both with my friends at school! (yeah lol)

Discussion Board / Re: Fandoms :DD
« on: January 27, 2014, 07:28:39 pm »
Im part of lots of them but HOMESTUCK ALL THE WAY!!!! (and heinoustuck but it isn't really a fandom)

Game Discussion / Re: 500 things we learned from Feral Heart
« on: January 24, 2014, 11:31:18 pm »
423. Floating beside a rock is normal, even during serious rp.
424.You must ask politely to "kill" someone.
425. By screaming the words ASTERIX RIPS OPEN NECK ASTERIX you can kill someone.
426. Wolves seem to be not wolves often

Im checking out the site, looks great!!

[200x200 image of character] Sadly unavailable. she is cross ( darker than most fur with dark greys and browns, feet and head brown) and has Green/ hazel eyes.
[Name]Noxvitis    (Night vine in Latin)
[Gender] Female
[Age] 1 1/2 years.
[Personality] Very brave, outgoing, calm yet fierce, loving and ruthless when irritated. Very peaceful and grateful.
[Species] Vulpes vulpes (red fox)
[History] Born and bred in the coven, she is a warm, brave and fierce vixen that will do anything to assist the coven. Has trained as a hunter and will do anything to help out. Known as a prolific hunter through hard work. Very agile and quick, and strong.
[Rank Desired] Hunter
[Mate] none
[Offspring] none
[Role-Play Sample] The slender vixen slinked through the leaves. Her bushy tail weaving through the cold evening air. As she spotted her prey, her senses honed in. She leaped, dispatching the large vole quickly and quietly. She felt the warm body and let her jaws lossen their grasp on the flesh. (very sorry, I am very short on time.)
[Ingame Username/Forum Username] xsilentfrostx (ingame)

Name: Skry
In-game Username:xsilentfrostx
Character Age: 2 years
Gender: female
Desired Horde: Beleben
Desired Rank: Guardian
Strong-points: Silent, can run for extremely long periods of time and has a strange manipulative nature. Very sharp hearing/ eyesight / scent
Weak-points: Very slow in sprinting.  Part of her shoulder is ripped out causing some pain. Pain is sharper and more distinct and scent, sight and hearing can be overwhelmed and she will remain momentarily stunned.
Special Talent(if any): Can run for over twice as long as most dogs, Her jaws are powerful and teeth extremely sharp, Very intelligent and can understand the humans communications best.
Time-zone(optional):I dunno, like east coasty ish :3
Rp-Sample: She raced through the dull,  dark halls. The blue like paint seemed demonic and teasing in the wretched place. She let her maw open, revealing long rows of Sharp, shredding teeth. Her orbs flickered around as she saw him. The brown pup was a bebelen but a black infizen brute walked up to it, the gleaming canines seemed to come nearer and nearer to the pups small neck. The small dog wiggled his behind happily and the brute lunged. Skry hurled into him and realized the black mutt was hungry. She sunk her teeth into him and the dog seemed to freeze. She grabbed the pup and made a mad dash for shelter where it was safe. Thankfully, he was only stunned. His dark eyes stared up at her in horror. - than ou- He muttered.

Name: Snowjay
Age: 3 1/2 years
Gender Pack/Clan/Herd?: Pack
If so,Which one?:Nyekundu Mto Pack
Rank Desired: Alpha
History: Snowjay is from the northern area, after she was shipped to the bloodstained ruins her humans left. She lived around, as an extremely feral yet docile dog. After the horrible earthquake She vowed to help others of her kind. For it is all she has left. Her parents are unknown but she does have living kin in a pack near frigid ohkem (a Arctic landmark to dogs.)
Species: Husky ( Siberian)  
RP sample(can be as along as you want): As she stepped through some rubble, Snowjay stepped through the trees. When she returned to the den a silvery white greyhound greeted her, "Megwetch Snowjay" She murmured happily and dipped her head. "Greetings, nice to see you." Snowjay  replied. As she returned into the den some dogs greeted her. "The horses are quite energetic lately, I've been hearing the pounding of hooves for a few days!" A dark furred mutt stated playfully, some other dogs yipping in agreement.

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