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Messages - geofox80191

Pages: [1]
Game Discussion / Re: If Feral-Heart wasn't called "Feral-Heart"
« on: June 29, 2015, 07:42:57 pm »
Wild Spirits? Feral Spirits? I also like Feral Realms.

Game Discussion / Re: Pet Peeves?
« on: June 29, 2015, 07:36:18 pm »
- Those people who come up to you when you're trying to recruit for an Rp, and start buttswinging in your face.
- People who click the post video button 16 times in a row.
- People who ask you to join their Rp. If they want to join, they'll ask to.
- People who advertise their Rp in local, in Flourite Plains, where 100 people come to every second, and it just gets pushed up, and they know it will.
- Those 'evil' WC Clans who come up to your Clan and start attacking you. Then you tell them that you don't want to Rp with them, but they say that if they want to Rp with you they can.
- Those people who come up to you while you are rping and just start being rude and annoying.

All of these (except 2) have happened to me. It is really annoying.

Game Discussion / Re: "Evil" characters and groups
« on: June 29, 2015, 07:28:27 pm »
Again with the evil characters. It really annoys me when I'm in an Rp and some evil characters come up. They just want attention, and honestly, it's really annoying. I was rping in a WC rp when some evil cats with weapons came up and attacked us. It was really annoying and it made me disband the group.

Back to the topic. I don't mind it when people have an evil character, but when they start saying that their parents died or that their parents beat them or abandoned them, it starts to get out of hand. Maybe they are just doing it because they feel as if 'good characters' are boring, or they just want attention. If they want to have some insane character, they should make their own Rp about evil characters, or join one that's already been made, but don't bug people by being evil when it's a out of control.

This isn't creepy, it's just weird and annoying. It happened twice. I was recruiting with the Warrior Rp i'm in, then some wolf character comes up and starts buttswinging in front of us, it was really strange and I was really confused. After he/she left some feline came up to us, I don't have any items pack, but I know that they were using some car item, and they kept saying that they were hitting us. They eventually left, but it was really weird.

Game Discussion / Re: RP Samples
« on: June 29, 2015, 07:07:25 pm »
I find Rp samples needed, for some Rp's. There are some roleplays' that will except any type of member, them being illiterate, or not. I think Rp samples are needed for some Rp's because it helps the Rp a bit more. You don't want someone joining your Rp if it's one of those fancy mapped ones, if they can't match up to your rping 'skills'. Here's an example -

Person 1 - Ravenpaw looked around at the horrible battle, being the Medicine Cat Apprentice, she had to make sure all the herbs were ready for the injured Warriors and Apprentices. (Person 1 types four more posts)

Person 2 - Smallpaw got hurt in the battle. She needed to go to the Medicine Cat den. Smallpaw padded over to the Medicine Cat den and asked for her wounds to be treated.

What's the point of making a descriptive and beautiful post if you don't get a really good response to it?
I also dislike people who reject samples because of a few errors, it has happened to me,  but I still think that SOME rp samples are needed. Everyone makes mistakes, and people who call someone illiterate because of a spelling error is just a bit rude, but if someone feel likes they need to have a person give them an Rp sample, then I guess it's needed.

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