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Messages - Bioshock

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Aye, I believe that I could help. I have many experiences with groups, so I'd be more than happy to help. :)

Request a Preset/Marking / Can someone please make me this preset?
« on: July 31, 2016, 09:15:11 pm »
So.. I have this favorite character from an anime, I was wondering if maybe one of you would like a challenge, you could possibly attempt to make it for me?
But here is the character that I wan't the preset based off of...

I would be very grateful someone would attempt to make a preset based off of this character.
If you're willing to try, but want more pictures of the character to reference off of, PM me and I'll be happy to send some more to you.
Thank you ^-^

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Insurgent
« on: July 30, 2016, 04:26:48 pm »

Humans ruled for the longest time.
For thousands of years, in fact.
The human species began to take over the land that all of the animals had claimed. Of course, this was causing animals to go extinct, or being pushed toward extinction because of the humans taking their natural habitats away. But let's get on a different topic here.
The apocalypse.
Everyone at least once has talked about the world ending. Whether it was something that God had placed upon every species on earth, a super volcano erupting, a large meteor striking earth, or the zombie apocalypse.
The year is 4037. The most talked about topic on Earth has become true. After billions of years, it finally happened.
A rocky piece of a far away planet broke off. No one knew. No one knew the piece that broke off of the far planet was hurtling toward Earth faster than anyone could've imagined!
Within two weeks, the piece hit Earth. When it collided with Earth, a deadly toxin filled the air. The toxin also infected many other sources as well. It took over most water sources and food sources all over the world, steering clear very few places. Soon, the toxin began to spread to the humans and animals.
The humans were not the smart ones in the situation. They were not lucky either. Groups were formed, killing anyone who had been infected, but to their surprise, the people that they had killed came back to life moments later. No matter how many times they shot again, the ones they thought they killed wouldn't die. Months later, the human population was practically gone. The smart ones learned to live with masks on, protecting them from the toxins. Some would also find a place where almost no toxins were. They would survive their, until all supplies ran out and they had to move on to a different place.
The animals left, however, adapted quickly.
One canine eventually founded a pack, that was entirely focused on their survival. This pack would be the one that took out their enemies. The zombies, humans that tried to kill them, or other packs formed to eliminate any others if they did not wish to join them.
This pack, would be the one that would survive.


Lord and Lady
The pack has of course, a lord and a lady. They lead everyone and everything, and are the highest and most respected canines of the pack. The Lord and Lady protect the pack at all costs, and care for each and every member.

The pack has two ambassadors. This is the rank directly below the lord and lady. This is the rank that steps up when the lord and lady are not present at the time. Like the lord and the lady, the ambassadors will sacrifice their lives for the pack.

These are the canines that know herbs by heart. They know what herbs do certain things and how they'll help those who are sick or injured. Since herbs are limited in certain areas, the healers will often go on trips that will last days at a time, just to find the herbs they need. Of course, not all the healers will go on these trips. Many will stay behind just in case any injured or sick canines are in need of any service. Every rank respects the healers and what they do for the pack.

Lead Warrior
The lead warrior is able to control all of the warriors. He or she is able to give orders out, and are able to lead battles. Warriors are the ones who are sent to kill off the zombies that are making their way to close to pack territory.

The warriors are the first line of defense against any enemies or zombies. They are very skilled in fighting tactics. They of course, take orders from the lead warrior of the pack.

The hunters are responsible for taking down prey and bringing it back to the territory. However, if a hunter catches anything, he or she MUST bring what it catches back to the pack. If a hunter chooses to eat the prey they caught rather than share it with the pack, that hunter WILL be punished accordingly.

The scouts of the pack are the ones who patrol the area. They make sure that there are no zombies or any sort of enemies that make their way toward pack territory. If any scout spots something suspicious, they either report it to the Lead Warrior so he or she can check it out or send a few warriors to check it out. Scouts are not aloud to attack. If they do, they need a good reason for why they did so.

Trainees are those who have no suitable rank yet, but are working toward the rank that they wish to have. The trainees already have their eyes set on what rank they want, and will get a mentor from the rank they desire to teach them everything they need to know. Those who train are most likely are the pups, or inexperienced canines who wish to do more for the pack.

This rank is self explanatory. A canine under a year is considered a pup. When the pups age to one year, they will move up to a trainee.

The elder rank is for any canine that's eight years or older. These canines are respected and are considered the wisest canines of the pack. They know most information of the pack, and will probably help those of a lower rank out by giving some advice to them.

- We expect you to type AT LEAST 1 1/2 lines during roleplays.
- Please be literate. Proper grammar is very important. Take your time to spell out everything. This means no responses like "hi, how r u? do u need help with anything?"
- Please do not fight with any pack members OOC. If you have a problem, contact me so we can sort everything out.
- We are a soon to be mapped group. When the map is finished, no one is aloud to give ANY of their friends the map. The map is for group use only.
- BE ACTIVE! If you are leaving for a while, please tell me so I don't kick you out!
- This is a canine group. So please be some sort of canine if you wish to join. You don't have to be a dog or a wolf. You could be a fox or a coyote if you want to, so please pick some sort of canine species.
- When signing up, please do not pick a high rank. High ranks are earned, not given.
-  Have fun! This group was made for those who join to enjoy!

Character Name:
Character Species:
Rank Desired:
Roleplay Sample:

Characters / Re: Steinman's Subjects ((WIP!))
« on: July 03, 2016, 08:13:11 pm »

Subject 20

Basic Information

Primary: Raven
Secondary: Orbit
Surname: Rojas
Age: 3
Gender: Male


Befriended: Don't get to close...
Enemies: Steinman
Attracted To: Females
Crush: No...
Mate: Also a no...
Offspring: Tinier versions of me? Heck no!


Raven, or Subject 20, is a very antisocial canine. He fears that talking to others might cause him too much pain if he loses them somehow or screws up a friendship. Because of that, he doesn't like to come near others. He often will stick to himself in the corner of the playroom or sit in a corner in the courtyard outside. There really isn't much about him other than hes very antisocial. Other than that, he can be nice, and then he can be quite aggressive when he needs to be. But let's say that you are able to get close to him... Well... You'll have a forever friend.


Subject 20 is a black pelted wolf, as seen in the picture above. However, like most subjects, his markings are part of a test gone wrong. Which explains why they are red. That also goes for the mane as well. Something went wrong and turned his mane from black to red. Other than that, when you first see Raven, you'll notice that he has sabertooth fangs and horns. Those were added to him by the doctors. Those two objects were not a mistake at all. But you can also see that there are shackles on both of his front paws as well. This is because he often tries to attack the doctors, so they often chain him up in his cage or chain him up during testing.

Characters / Re: Steinman's Subjects ((WIP!))
« on: July 03, 2016, 08:12:58 pm »

Subject 18

Basic Information

Primary: Regan
Secondary: --
Surname: Kaiser
Age: 20
Gender: Male


Befriended: Friends? Pfft!
Enemies: Everyone is my enemy!
Crush: Heck no!
Mate: I'll pass. I hate every creature on this planet!
Offspring: Disgusting!


Out of all the subjects in The Organization, Subject 18 is by far the most mean. He hates everyone around him, and will most likely attack anyone that comes near him with no reason. This is why the doctors of The Organization have thrown him into the rooms for the most mentally insane subjects. Those subjects that are thrown into the insane rooms often never come out of them unless its for testing. 18 is feared by most of the subjects in The Organization. Most of the doctors even fear him as well.


Subject 18 is a large red dragon with bright orange markings. Currently, the only tests he has ever been through were a few injections and blood samples. He was born with the horns and markings. The horns seem to be the most intimating object on him. But the helmet that the doctors put on him were to make him look even more terrifying to the subjects that are afraid of him.

Characters / Re: Steinman's Subjects ((WIP!))
« on: July 03, 2016, 08:12:46 pm »

Subject 17

Basic Information

Primary: Cato
Secondary: Virus
Surname: Renox
Age: 3
Gender: Male


Siblings: Azaii, Riddick, and Hazard
Befriended: Many
Enemies: Steinman
Attracted To: Females
Crush: Heheh.. She's cute...
Mate: Hopefully soon.
Offspring: Ah! No!


For the most part, Cato is very unsocial, and very unfriendly to others when he does socialize. It's not like he means to be unfriendly toward others, it's the fact that he was alone in The Organization for the longest time, and learned no social skills at all. This being said, if you do get to know Cato and ignore the fact that he can be unfriendly at times, then you'll have a friend who will try and protect you at all times in The Organization.


Cato is a large, dark pelted Gray wolf. Of course, since he was brought into The Organization his appearance has changed quite a bit. Now Cato has a few extra features that were added onto him during his time he has spend in The Organization. But other things changed as a result to a few of the test he has gone though. His pelt is the same color, however, his eyes aren't. His eyes are now a dark crimson red color, which was one of the results of a test gone wrong. Something else that changed was his undereye color. Around the same time his eye turned red, so did his undereye. Also as a result to this experimentation gone wrong, his mane turned from black to dark red to match. A feature was also added by Doctor Steinman, which would be his tail. Steinman decided that he wanted to make Cato even more beautiful and gave him an addition to his tail. Something that may prove to be useful during battle. He designed and added a Xenomorph tail to the subject which the Cato now uses as a deadly weapon toward the doctors and other subjects. This makes him one of the deadliest subjects in the entire Organiation.

Characters / Re: Steinman's Subjects ((WIP!))
« on: July 03, 2016, 08:12:34 pm »

Subject 16

Basic Information

Primary: Spyro
Secondary: --
Surname: --
Age: 2 1/2 Years
Gender: Male


Befriended: Many
Enemies: Steinman...
Attracted To: Males and Females
Crush: Ick! I don't have one of those!
Mate: Ewww! I'm perfectly fine alone!
Offspring: I-I don't really want any puppies...


Subject 16, or Spyro, is pretty much a huge baby. He loves to make new friends, but is actually pretty shy. He doesn't usually like to approach others unless he's extremely interested in you. Though he is quite the wimp as well. Well... When it comes to Steinman and his other doctors. Upon seeing any of The Organization doctors, 16 will cower in a corner away from them and try to hide from then. When the doctors come to grab him, that's when he will start putting up a fight and becoming aggressive. To the other animals in the organization, he's not aggressive. But with the doctors on the other hand... Well... You better be ready...


Subject 16 is a gray wolf, with black markings. However his markings are quite strange. Most of them are a result of a test gone wrong. His light grey orbs that he has as eyes also is a result of a test gone wrong. Though, he doesn't seem to mind as long as none of the other animals make fun of him for it. In fact, he grew use to them after a while. But moving onto his tail, you'll be able to see stitches. These stitches came from the new tail that one of the doctors put on him for fun. But the horns are an entirely different story. The red horns were put there from the previous testing lab he was in. The doctors at The Organization had nothing to do with them.

Characters / Re: Steinman's Subjects ((WIP!))
« on: July 03, 2016, 08:11:12 pm »

Subject 15

Basic Information

Primary: --- ((Goes by subject number))
Secondary: ---
Surname: ---
Age: Unknown
Gender: Looks to be male


Befriended: Steinman ((Because he provides him with food))
Enemies: None
Attracted To: Unknown
Crush: What... is... crush?
Mate: What is a... m-mate?
Offspring: O-Offspring sound... w-weird!


Sadly, this poor subject has spent his entire life in the lab. He doesn't even know what he is or originally was. The number this subject was given at birth was 15. And this subject, unlike the others, likes Steinman because he knows when it comes to him, he will get food. Subject 15 has absolutely no social skills at all, and is always kept in his cage away from the other subjects. That being said, he really has never seen any of the other subjects. He has heard their loud and annoying cries, but has never actually seen a single one of them. So his behavior toward the other subjects is completely unknown.


It truly is sad to see how much the animals in The Organization change over time. When you look at Subject 15, you aren't even able to tell what species he originally was born as. Some question if he was originally a wolf, while others question if he was actually born as a dragon. But because of his appearance now, no one knows. Subject 15 has a dark grey pelt with a bit of a lighter underfur. He has a bright red mane, as you can see in the picture. But along with his red mane comes matching red horns, which are a darker color. You aren't able to see his face because of the Yak skull that covers his head almost completely. The doctors question how Subject 15 can see with the Yak head, but shove it off since it doesn't seem to bother him at all. But overall, this subject has a strange appearance...

Characters / Steinman's Subjects
« on: July 03, 2016, 08:11:04 pm »

Doctor Steinman

Basic Information

Primary: Chase
Secondary: Alucard
Surname: Steinman
Age: 26


Befriended: Ha! Who needs friends?
Enemies: Pfft... I don't care if any of my doctors or animals hate me!
Attracted To: Males and Females
Crush: Um...
Girlfriend/Boyfriend: I don't have one...?
Spouse: No...
Children: Alright! We are done here!


In the point of view of the many animals he works on, they will tell you that he is evil. They all know Chase as Doctor Steinman. The worst human that has ever lived. Of course, its true. Steinman is indeed evil. But he's also completely insane. Being stuck in a lab trying to find a cure for humanity drove him insane. Hours upon hours its testing on the animals and making them even more "beautiful" in his eyes. Sometimes the animals in the lap think he completely forgets why he really brought all the animals in the lab and just likes the torture of adding new parts to all of them. Whether its new eyes, horns, teeth, etc... Steinman is a madman... That's all you really should know about his personality. Especially toward animals. He doesn't care if he causes his subjects so much pain. He only cares for himself, and sometimes his race.


Steinman can often be seen wearing a black lab coat, with a grey shirt. Sometimes, he even decides to wear a wolf tail as an accessory because he's so crazy. But the man also has dyed his hair blue, his favorite color. But no one actually knows what Steinman's face looks like because he has always wore a gas mask over his face to cover it. There's not much to the doctor, but the Subjects of The Organization seem to fear him anyway.

Subject 6

Basic Information

Primary: Hades
Secondary: Rae
Surname: Curser
Age: 2 Years
Gender: Male


Attracted To: Unknown
Crush: What is a... C-Crush?
Mate: A mate? Never heard of one!
Offspring: Why do you keep asking me things I can't process?!


Subject 6 never really leaves his cage. Steinman just doesn't let him for some reason. Maybe its because of all the tests that he's been through that makes Steinman question if he's insane or not. Who knows! So his behavior toward the other animals in The Organization is completely unknown. Since he's been in captivity for most of his life, the doctors of The Organization fear that he'd fight with the other animals and be way too hard to handle.


Subject 6 is a completely black pelted wolf. Although, its the markings on him that is the most concerning thing about him. During a test, something obviously went wrong, and some dark grey skeleton markings suddenly started to appear over the past few days. Over the days, his eyes also started to turn into black orbs. When you stare into them, you see nothing. To try and keep themselves safe, the doctors later put on two shackles on his front paws, which they keep on him at all times. Later on, they grew a little more brave and put a weird looking helmet on him to make him look a little more cool and frightening.


CasbaneXaver - This account his basically a side mostly.

Subject Number

Level of Activity

Character Description/Picture
Slim and stocky, russety brownish fur with darker markings and dark forest
green eyes. He is a good problem solver and can almost get out of every situation
known. His independence gives him a boost, as he hardly needs any help when
it comes to hunting and he doesn't have any other mouths to feed.

Character Background
Left as a young pup, this now two year old had to find a
way to survive on his own. As a wolf mix, he was mostly an
outcast and became independent not long after he left his parents.
He had been the only pup at the time and he was mostly abused verbally
and physically. Scars from the past still dot his pelt. His haunches, face,
and flack is heavily scared. Most are small, but there is one large one on
his muzzle. Aztec had taught himself how to hunt and also fight by practicing
on rocks, trees, and many other objects. He may be thin, but to not let that
fool you.

Roleplay Sample
 Erie sounds came from the darkly shadowed buildings facing the canine, its paws barely made a
sound as it slowly started on its way forward. Russety fur was soon ruffled as a breeze came from
the large area. Oil was the scent that the wind carried, a common use of black liquid used by the
humans to start up big metal things that they so called vehicles. Being used to the scent, it
continued onward entering an alley that led to a place behind a small building that humans through
at food behind. Life was hard as an outcast, but the canine could ask for nothing else as it liked the
quiet nights under the sun beaten trees. While with a pack, their was patrolling, waiting your turn to
eat, and much more things the canine disliked. It wanted to stay alone, and that was all it wanted.
Atleast he didn't have to feed any other mutts. Giving a grunt as it entered the small building were
the humans through out the food, it crouched against the ground before leaping cat like onto the side of the
large object. Dipping his head into the heap of garbage that lie under the flaps of the large object, the
canine sniffed around searching for any food available in the large black sacks. Bingo. A large half a chicken
fell out of one of the sacks as it had pulled on it. Giving a pleased grunt, he slowly started to eat his prize, but
a growl caused him to look up at who had made the sound. A large Doberman stood at the door way, lips pulled
back in a snarl as it saw that the canine was intruding the space the Doberman called home. Giving a growl,
the russet canine leaped from his spot upon the object and faced the large russet and black canine.
"Well o' well o' well. Look at what we have here. A helpless mutt," It echoed and laughed sort of insanely.
Cocking its head to one side the russet moved forward a paw landed upon the tin making the other shut its
jowls quickly. "What are you doing 'round here? Looking for food you little purebred idiot!" The russet spat out
the word 'purebred' at the other. Purebreeds. Unnaturally stupid dogs who only thought about themselves.
Stupid fight waiting to happen that could be avoided. Before the dobbie could reply, the russet crouched and
leaped forward racing past the dobbie and off towards the exit which had been the ally it had entered in.
Wiggling through a hole in a fence to take a short cut, the russet didn't stop running til he was panting heavily and at the
edge of the dark city. Grunting, the russet trotted off to the forest still on the alert for the dobbie.

Sorry if that is to long and if it has any mistakes or slight grammar errors. I am currently in a hurry.

You're accepted as well. Everything was great.

BUT I would like all subject numbers to stay in double digits so if you'd so kindly change that part you'll be totally good! I'll send you a request in game!

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