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Messages - RadleyGreenLions

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News Archives / Re: Moderator Free October
« on: September 25, 2018, 06:15:31 pm »
Yes, Hi. Another unfamiliar face commenting.
I've played FH since 2012 and I've seen it grow and fall throughout those years. Although I'm in college now i still like to hop on in now and again to see how things are doing. After hearing about the new maps and the upcoming patch, I was stoked to see Fh still had some promise. But now, after hearing what Raz is doing to the game and how he's basically treating the staff with what it seems to be little to no respect, is heart breaking.
Raz, if you so happen to read this, which you might not, whatever little game you're playing, whether you're doing this for the good of Fh and we don't see it yet or you're causing havoc just for tur fun of it, this needs to stop. Communicate with your community, especially your staff. They're here to help you and support you, don't push them away by what you're doing. Yes, you're the server master, but you need to work with your staff and come up with a agreement even if it means compromising. Half way happy of you want to put to that way. If you can't do that, then i don't know what else to say other then this is no way to run a game and definitely no way to treat your staff and community.

Thank you for your time.

Request Other Mods/Creations / Copy of Bro's ENB mod?
« on: June 20, 2015, 12:38:01 am »
Ok, I've been DYING to get the EMB mod now that I have a laptop capable to handle it. I had the download in my previous laptop but it crashed. I forgot to save it in a hard drive as well. I know people have JUST the EMB mod so I was woundering if someone we be so kind to put it up for download for others; While BRO is woring on FH HD. I just want the ENB mod, nothing more. Plus I'm sure other people want it too.


 EDIT: Also, if you just have bro's ENB mod ITSELF not FHD (the full thing), that'd be fantastic! All I need is the ENB/blossom mod from Bro.

Request Other Mods/Creations / Shadow Mod (somewhatlike EMB. READ)
« on: March 26, 2015, 05:41:07 am »
So, see how we have an EMB mod as well as the Night and Day mod? Well, why not have a shadow mod to go with it?

See, I have the night and day mod. And what I see missing are shadows. You see them ON the mesh, but never off them. They have shadows in IT servers. So why not for FH.

Just a thought, but it would be fantstic if we were able to have it as a mod.

Thanks for read'n!

Other Games / Re: Aikido MMORPG
« on: January 09, 2015, 03:35:14 am »
I like it, sounds interesting. I would be happy to follow the updates since sadly I wouldn't be any help to you. Are regular members allowed to sign up?

Yes, regular members are allowed to sign up.

Other Games / Re: Aikido MMORPG
« on: January 09, 2015, 03:33:58 am »
Seems like an interesting game! Is there any screenshots of what has been done already or anything? o3o

If I had my own computer I'd be happy to help out in some way if needed. /i can make crappy rocks

Thank you~ And yes, we do have some work in progress stuff. Here's one of them that I'm very impressed with. Of course, it does need some work though. . More is on the account.
 Credit of the animation goes to RainOfBl00d, not me.
 ~RadleyG.L. (Owner of AIKIDO)

Yeah, but dad told me Torrents are bad and I would need a lot of virus blockers if ti used it.
That's a common misuse of a term. "BitTorrent" is a technology of data exchange. But when people say "torrents" they usually mean websites that use BitTorrent for file sharing. Some of these websites actually do distribute malware, but that's not a fault of technology itself.

Alright, thanks for letting me know.

Hey, um I saw that this is a Torrent. The Sync thing. Yeah, but dad told me Torrents are bad and I would need a lot of virus blockers if ti used it.

Would BitTorrent hurt my laptop in anyway possible? I don't want to download it an end up having my laptop fixed and putting it on safe mode AGAIN.

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Fluorite Plains in the Unreal 3 Engine
« on: December 13, 2013, 10:07:14 pm »
Dude, this would be AWESOME if this was a REAL update for FH. *D*

<---Is a realistic freak. X3

 Also, I am cerently looking for someone to make maps for my own MMORPG game. And I think you are perfect for the job. ^^ If you accept this offer, go here and PM me. Site: My username is RadleyGL.

Bronies? x3 Anyways, if you think about it again, then my idea for player riding player is that the mount can switch who controls the....player as the mount. Like, player 1 is the dragon, player 2 is the human. Player 1 wants to go in a certain direction, so they switch the control to be the one controlling the direction. Player 1 wants to let Player 2 take over for a while, so he/she switches the controls over. Good idea? I've been trying forever to try and find a game (even if it's WIP!) that has dragons be players and humans be players and allow humans to ride the dragons...

Bronys/Ponys: Boys/Girls who LOVE MLP ((My Little Pony)). XD

Yeah, I was thinking about that. But Idk how we can pull it off. XD Plus, the 'mounts' wouldn't really random people asking them if they can ride on there backs. XD But yeah, I'll see what we can do.

I think that'd it'd be awesome if humans could ride the dragons too and it'd also would be extremely cool if you added being able to be a wild horse or be a horse that gets captured and domesticated.

Eh, yeah, I though about it. But then I would have a lot of bronys and such on. X3 So it might just be for a limited time only. XD but yeah, I'll add them in.

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