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Messages - paigewolf

Pages: [1] 2 3
Looks awesome! I would like to download it, but I don't know how to. Can I have a link to a tutorial or something?

Game Help / Re: Opening notepad as somthing else
« on: June 15, 2016, 08:40:42 pm »
All you'll get is the trial version of WinRAR but it does it's job for FH .rar files, I've had mine for a couple years and never bothered to buy the full version. You can check out the link below.

Thanks it helped! Now I'm able to download it

Game Help / Re: Opening notepad as somthing else
« on: June 15, 2016, 08:33:24 pm »
There are two map downloads and both of them are coming up as .rar files for me. If they are .rar files for you, you're gonna need a rar file program, such as WinRAR. If you don't any programs of the like, your computer might only recognize the files as notepad files because there's nothing else to open them with.
So should I download WinRAR?

Game Help / Re: Opening notepad as somthing else
« on: June 15, 2016, 08:31:21 pm »
I downloaded both files, and they both appear to work perfectly fine. Do you have a program like WinZip or 7zip to extract .RAR files?
Sadly I do not have either of those

Game Help / Re: Opening notepad as somthing else
« on: June 15, 2016, 08:27:32 pm »
I'm getting it as a .zip file,and a large one. You must be doing something wrong.
Aye I must be doing something wrong...But I don't know what

Game Help / Re: Opening notepad as somthing else
« on: June 15, 2016, 08:21:36 pm »
My brain just stopped...Never seen this issue before.

What map was it and do you have the download you could put a link to? Might be able to figure out whats wrong if the rest of us could see what the download actually had.

Well here's the link

Game Help / Opening notepad as somthing else
« on: June 15, 2016, 08:10:56 pm »
So I downloaded a map and it turns out it's downloaded as a notepad. That isn't good because I can't put msuic files in music and texture files into textures so yeah. Is there any way I can like open it as a folder or like make it folder? Sorry if it's a dumb question.

Game Help / Re: Need 512 x 512 preset wolf texture!
« on: April 16, 2016, 06:26:51 pm »
When you apply the texture you can where it says 'layers' and either 'resize layer' and put 512 x 512, and it should work. c:
Wow it worked thanks! :3

Game Help / Re: Need 512 x 512 preset wolf texture!
« on: April 16, 2016, 06:19:20 pm »
You can still use the texture, just resize it ^^ it may look different because you changed the resolution, but it'll still work all the same c:
How do I resize it?

Game Help / Need 512 x 512 preset wolf texture!
« on: April 16, 2016, 06:05:13 pm »
So I was making my wolf preset and was going to put my texture in but I noticed it was too big. I made the preset 512 x 512 so does anyone know of a wolf texture that is 512 x 512. Or does anyone know how I can shrink my texture so it fits? (I use gimp)

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