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Messages - Dapurplecreepah

Pages: [1]
Game Discussion / Re: Funny warriorcat names?
« on: March 22, 2014, 12:04:49 pm »
ScourgeKill (...What?)
DeathKiller o.o
HousePaw (???????)
ThunderclanKit (What the?!)
SugarCube (A cube cat!? XD)
BreadNose ._.
AfricanHuman (WTF)
DeerLove O_O

Ok, those are all weird names I saw >.> I was totally freaked out and asked them "Umm... Does a cat even know what those are?" and they yelled "AMG POWERPLAYER! Im gonna report you!" ._. Whoa... Reporting cause you have weird names...? If you want any good names, then make your character first, then name it after how it looks like, but seriously, just bc its light brown doesnt mean you gotta name it BreadKit... You must give it a realistic name, like in the books, they mostly had names that are related to nature.

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