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Messages - WWolverine

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News Archives / Re: Moderator Free October
« on: September 25, 2018, 01:04:50 am »
I avoid the forum 110% of the time, but this is just too fun

Everyone is bringing up "how bad of an idea this is!" I'm going to be the firs to point out that Raz probably knew this was a bad idea before anyone told them. Do you really think a GM who has been in charge for longer than I have been on FH (I've been on FH a lot longer than my account would lead you to believe) would look at this and go "oh yes, this is /the/ good idea." I just don't think that would happen. It also makes no sense that Raz would not tell the mods about this if they really thought it was a good idea. Someone who thinks they have a great idea would be more than willing to share it with their subordinates. Also Raz never did say they thought it was a good idea, they said "interesting" idea.

With that being said, haven't any of you thought that Raz is probably doing this because it is a bad idea? I hate to speculate, but after such a long time of working so hard for something with little to no payback.. I would want it to end to. Why not let it tear itself apart rather than hit the button to shut it all down; leaving everyone confused as to why it stopped? 

Now even though I said all of this, I really don't think anything about it is good, nor do I want FH to go away from this. I'm just pointing out that Raz probably knows all to well how bad this idea is

Rolling over here haha!
I've been on FH since I was about 14-15 years of age (let's say around 2011-2012; this might be the right or wrong account HAHA!) and I've not once posted on a forum for anything (I think?) so this might be my first C'8
I agree right here that with how long Raz has been here, most likely they already know its a terrible idea, but as stated it was never suggested as a 'good' idea. Such in all truth, it's interesting on its own, but most likely will end in chaos and ruins. Such is how the game might end? Who knows!
If somehow it ends the way it is...WHELP it happened 8'D
But we as the people can make the changes right?
Well its up to everyone and their choice
Mine right now? To sit back and watch the bombs fly c'8

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