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Messages - Ka$h

Pages: [1] 2
Game Help / Re: This... is frustrating. Please help.
« on: June 18, 2014, 03:29:10 pm »
Ah, try this one.
Don't mind the 'it doesn't work' comments at the start.
Vid isn't mine either

Game Help / Re: This... is frustrating. Please help.
« on: June 18, 2014, 03:07:17 pm »
Make sure you've downloaded the pack right, and remember to replace the old .CFG file with the new one from the MM3 folder.
Remove all your markings from the textures folder and paste in the new ones, then open your game and you should be done.

Here is a video that you can follow and install it correctly. (:

Video isn't mine

Forum Discussion / Re: Is FeralHeart your Secret?
« on: May 17, 2014, 07:44:38 am »
Is feralheart your secret?
Yes. I hardly ever tell others about what I play, when actually nobody knows everything about it. My friends have seen the icon on my desktop and asked what it was, and I just answered that it's a game.

Would you respond if someone called you by your fursona's name in real life?
Yes, I would. Jackie is a different way of just spelling my real name, so yes, I would.
Although I would respond to Jackie, I wouldn't want to respond to Kash. She is my 2nd fursona, and I don't want to be known as Kash in my personal life. The internet stays as the internet, and real life stays away from it.

(Hehe,it seems like it. xD)
Okay,so I'm deleting the codes and the images of the markings that don't work,and I'm deleting the codes and the images of some markings that I don't want too (Such as the MP ones). Is that alright? I just don't like some of the markings that are on the pack. >_<'

I think it will be alright. I deleted one of my markings and it still worked, but I don't know if it will work with you.

Introduction / Re: I'm back floofs!
« on: May 15, 2014, 03:01:08 pm »
Welcome back to Feralheart Kash! Youre lucky you catch up the registration :) I'm guessing youre the one who friend request me? correct me if im mistaken is your username Ka$h in-game. Lol I was just wondering who that was friend requested me. Anyway Its good to have you back.
Yup. Kiqui was playing with me and she said you're a good person to friend. Well, she did it before I knew. (We were playing on my laptop together..Eh. Evil girl. :T) 

Praise / Kiquaii, get your butt over here <3
« on: May 15, 2014, 02:55:02 pm »
Some of you may notice my title of a 'newbie'. I have made a new account after leaving for a long time.

This wonderful floof has given me all of the info I need (And even more. <3) and has been an extremely good friend.
Because of her being a close friend of mine (school one, uh huh.) she knew who I was instantly. As you may have noticed, she draws too. The pictures are a lot more than  amazing, really!
All the other people that need help should contact her and she would surely (I hope so. xD) help you.

I wuv ya Kiqi, we all love ya.

Introduction / Re: I'm back floofs!
« on: May 15, 2014, 06:40:39 am »
Thank you all, I'll surely have a  great time again.
And I saw your title of mod in trainning, well done. I'm sure you'll be a great one!

Game Discussion / Re: Which Character is most close to your heart?
« on: May 14, 2014, 07:48:02 pm »
Surely my fursona, Jackie. I have been using her for 5 years, and I still haven't changed anything about her.
She represents me and makes me smile when I draw her. Even when I quit feralheart, I will use her in other roleplays and websites.
Jackie will remain in my heart, no one will ever be able to change that.

Unless you make me a better character, slave! xD

1- There are no problems at all. You shouldn't worry, it all works great.

2- All of the default (normal) markings would still be there. You will have the normal ones + the new ones. Cool, right?
You can have other fur packs too, FH can fit lots of markings from other places in the textures folder.

I hope I helped you, feel free to message me if you need any more help.

Introduction / Re: I'm back floofs!
« on: May 14, 2014, 03:03:47 pm »
Thank ya' both! I will check the news  updates, don't worry.
I'm also looking forward to makin' some new maps just like you said.
Thank ya' again!

Pages: [1] 2