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Messages - Aramanthx

Pages: [1]
Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before an admin/mod posts!
« on: March 13, 2016, 03:01:25 am »

Ask Me / Re: I wanted to do a thing - axe questionz
« on: March 13, 2016, 02:49:45 am »
screams and runs away




How much of big girl are you?

Favorite TV show?

Favorite video game?

Any recent memories you had, that made you feel good?

Favorite animal?

i lied )8 i'm not a big girl at all


or am i

oh jeez there are so many tv shows that i like. one of the tv shows i adored would have to be gravity falls. for some reason, i didn't care to watch it for a while. i didn't know it was about the supernatural at first, or maybe i did, i'unno. i got it in my head that it'd be about a group of kids at summer camp without ever actually looking it up. first time i saw it, it was the ep with this party being hosted at the mystery shack. i happened upon it while flipping through channels, and i was so thrown off by dipper's voice. i was wondering, why the heck does this kid have the voice of a grown man? is he actually a midget??? i only watched about 5 minutes of it before i lost interest and changed the channel. one day tho i decided to watch it for real and i ended up watching almost all of the first season in one day, including the party episode that i was initially bored by. i followed new episodes religiously. it's a little sad to see it go now but i'm honestly looking forward to what new tv show hirsch is cooking up next.

i used to be a huge dork for assassin's creed up until desmond was no longer in the games anymore. didn't feel the same afterwards. but i remember i even got myself this white hoodie at one point and insisted on wearing it 'coz it looked like something off of AC.

any recent memories... ohh yeah. i skinned some potatoes for the first time, cut 'em up and fried 'em in the pan and made myself some fries. before that, all i could cook was bacon and eggs, and even then that was something i could only do one or two years ago. mostly i'd just take out a tv dinner, cut the film on it and zap it in the microwave. +1 self-sufficiency

i was a die-hard cat lover when i was little. i rather like lions now, but i'm not as insane about them as little me was with cats.

Favourite hobbies?
Favourite colour?

what is this alien word you speak of... hoeah-bee?

i love all colors equally. #colorpositive

Do you play minecraft?

What's your favorite song at the moment?


noo not at the moment. i've heard about it but my broke butt is broke. i might get to playin' it when i have some cash on me tho.

this was my favorite song not too long ago. i ended up listening to it over and over all day long shortly after i found it. the part near the end where the singer's voice gets this digitalized effect to it sent chills up my spine. sometimes i'd get pulled into simply watching the music video.

i also found this the other day. saw it first in the context of himym's finale that youtube suggested to me and i let curiosity get the better of me and watched it without having really watched the show. it's a'iight.

mostly the songs i like depend on my mood.

What is your favorite food?

Do you like muffins?

french frieeesss

yeah, muffins are alright. i get sick if i eat too much of them at once though. same with cake. :c

What's your favorite fruit?
What genre of music do you like the best?
Why did you join Feralheart?
What is your favorite thing about FH?

probably apples

oh man i've never really paid attention to music genres lol. there's so many of them and i'm just like... say wha? nu indie hopstyle indiogutzenwarf? the heck is that? i wouldn't be able to answer you on that one. xD sorry

originally i joined impressive title when i was about either 11 or 12. the games i'd been on before didn't offer the kind of roleplays that i wanted. however i'd only spent like one week on it before going back to playing other games. eventually i got to missin' those animal rps again so i tried to find the download for IT, but by then it was no longer available, though i did find feralheart in my search from videos on youtube and that's how i got here.

the friends i've made on here. met some awesome people and got some unforgettable times with them. that's more of something that came out of fh though. as far as something to actually do with fh, i'd say how it seems to almost have its own culture. spring up rps, long-term ones, wolfspeak, matebeggars, etc. it also feels a little unique and different to me and i like that.

also this has nothing to do with any of the questions that've been asked but i remember now for some reason ever since i first found the game i've wanted to pronounce fh as "eff-eee." it's something i always do in my head whenever "fh" comes up.

Favorite drink?

Favorite vegetable?

Least favorite map on FeralHeart?

oh my gosh coke hands-down

i tried to stay away from it for a few days and it didn't go well :c

i feel like there's some debate on whether corn is actually a vegetable or not, but if you consider it a veggie, then my favorite one is... -drumroll-... corn

ooh. this is a hard one. i don't think there are any of the official fh maps that i dislike. the last cave has its own charm, as well as ficho. atlantis is romantic, temple of dreams has this nostalgia and otherwordly feeling, fluorite plains is good ole fluorite with a number of neat little attractions like the lake, L island, stone bridge, and south pole... i love snow. sky's rim and ascension island are fun to get around. visually and overall atmosphere, i don't know if there's any, but this also might be coming from my personal bias toward the game.

for functionality, perhaps south pole. it can be a pain to navigate. i remember when i first started out as a newbie on fh i'd get lost in fluorite plains, but that's nothing compared to what SP can be like.

then bonfire, for the flooded chat that it usually has. it's like feralheart's equivalent of a club that has the music up way too loud. "WHAT DID YOU SAY???"


dear lord this was a monster of a post. i apologize to anyone who reads this xD this is what happens when i'm away for a while

one bit my 'yena then peed on her all because she was near them earlier, so

that was different

Game Discussion / Re: What's Your Favorite Species to Roleplay?
« on: March 08, 2016, 02:51:10 am »

literally nothing but lions

Ask Me / I wanted to do a thing - axe questionz
« on: March 08, 2016, 02:29:24 am »
hit me with your best shot playa i'm a big girl now

Game Discussion / Re: How Old Are The Floofs In FearlHeart?
« on: March 08, 2016, 12:44:45 am »
seventeen going on eighteen. i'm an old fart clearly.  soon i'll be needing dentures and a walking stick  ;D

ahah thanks guys. honestly did still feel a bit nervous about posting this. :b something that will take a while to get out of me i guess

Loved Reading This And Hopefully , One Day Whenever You Can Hop On In-Game Once Everything Is Sorted , I Can Bump Into You Casually And Say ' Hej ' Before Awkwardly Walking Away.
and on that day, i'll casually reply to you with a hELO. then i'll awkwardly wave goodbye as you awkwardly walk off, awkwardly.

i can't think of a punchline oops

it took too long to remember my password

not really but

holy heckus i think this is my first time actually posting on the forum. look mum i can make colors.

wowie this sure is neato

i might add some real structure to this post later. right now i'll just freestyle it. anyway, i'll start talking about myself.

i'm turning 18 a few days short of two weeks. i've been on feral heart since mid-to-late 2011, so since i was 13. it's insane to think it's been 5 years, but life has a way of tapping you on the shoulder like that, or straight-out punching you in the face in some cases lol.

though i never spent as much time as i could have with feral heart. as soon as i found my first solid RP group that wasn't going anywhere anytime too soon, i scurried off to live in its private map for a year or two. that was essentially a good chunk of my time here. fh at that point became more of a medium for this roleplay. a lot of it might've had to do with shyness or even anxiety. i don't know just how much i've changed over the past years, but i can tell you that when i was 13, i wouldn't have been sitting here making this post.

i'd like to jump on fh sometime again to see what's all goin' on. won't be able to for a while however, so i'm stuck to the forums for the time being.

i've made some near and dear friends here despite having been an almost complete recluse.  life's gotten in the way, but it's something i still treasure.

can't be bothered to put in something on interests, likes, dislikes, and all that other biz. in the mean time, do you want to hear the mate beggars' national anthem? you do, don't you, don't lie.

i have no idea if the video is displaying the way i'd like it to lol

the lyrics in this video aren't completely correct but i had reservations on linking to the music video. i treat this site's rules like a vicious conservative soccer mom ready to pounce. if you want the real lyrics just google the song. i won't be responsible for what googs might show though. :'D

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