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Messages - DuskWolfy

Pages: [1] 2 3

..:: Character Name ::..


..:: Character Nicknames ::..


..:: Age ::..

5 Years Old

..:: Personality ::..

.::. Kind
.::. Protective
.::. Gentle
.::. Caring
.::. Tolerant
.::. Trustworthy
.::. Loyal
.::. Anti-social

..:: Backstory ::..

I know this is short, I'm in the process of refining it.

Simja was the runt of the litter. He grew up on the streets with his family and eventually left around two years old. When the whole undead crisis hit, he was one of the confused ones. He had no idea what was happening, all he knew was he had to stay alive. He avoided other canines and if he did run into one he would show he meant no harm and be on his way again.

..:: Crush ::..


..:: Mate ::..


..:: Siblings ::..

.::. Hect :: Brother :: Deceased .::.
.::. Jinx :: Sister :: Unknown .::.
.::. Mizu :: Sister :: Unknown .::.

..:: Other ::..

Simja is very anti-social in a way so he doesn't really socialize with others.

Also, he is a Berger Picard if anyone was wondering.. You'll be able to see that once I get the picture up. Haha

(Optional other picture of character)

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Re: A couple requests.
« on: August 11, 2014, 05:12:04 am »
D'aww he looks good. Sorry I couldn't get back to you sooner. I got busy. Thanks, floof! -Nuzzle-

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / A couple requests.
« on: August 04, 2014, 11:54:03 pm »
Can somebody make my two new characters that I adopted? :3

Number one is the one I've adopted. His name is Vilo. Info below
Name: Vilo
Gender: Male
Age: 2 Months
Personality: Shy, Playful, Mischivous, Caring

Name: Fae
Gender: Female
Age: 3 Years Old

Discussion Board / My new laptop
« on: July 26, 2014, 07:08:43 am »
Please move this if in the wrong place..

So, today I got to see my dad for the first time in over a month so I'm very excited! My brother didn't come because we don't have the same dad so he's in Montana with his dad. But anways, I got a new laptop. A long time ago my dad said he would get me a laptop, I'm talking almost two years ago, and today he showed me this computer that he got and it's a Dell Touch-Screen laptop. He said that I could have it and said that he promised he'd get me one and ow I have one! I'm really excited because it's not old and he got it for a good price. I'm so happy. Has anyone else been somewhat surprised like this?

I wanted to change Image's appearence so new look is below. Also, she is cared for by a stable hand named Dakota.))

Image was awoken by the sounds of thudding. Her ears swiveled forward to listen but they soon faded out back to silence. She tossed her head and snorted irritably, her gaze shifting. She heard footsteps coming into the stabke followed by another pair not too long after but was bummed to see they didn't step infront of her stall. She snorted once again and shook our her mane, her black tail flicking to rid the flies from her as she awaited Dakota's arrival. Image's ears swiveled forward once more hearing yet another pair of footsteps but he whinnied when it was Dakota stopping infrint of her stall. The young stable hand had sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. She wasn't very tall but it was about aberage for a girl. Dakota slid the lock to slide open the stall door. The girl approached, patting the mare's neck and smiling. "Hey there pretty girl." The girl cooed. Dakota had been the one to care for her since her arrival a couple days ago si she grew a liking to her. Image nickered softly, lipping at the girls hair. She had a lead in hand and clipped it to the mare's black halter, leading her out if the stall and to the cross ties. She was secured by the cross ties as Dakota got the grooming box. She felt the bristles of the curry comb going in circular motions along her back. Her flanks twitched as the comb went over. She was calm for the rest iof the grooming and was soon being tacked up.

Image stood still as the saddle was set on her back, thiugh slightly shifted as the girth was tightened. She hated the bridle yet she knew it was what came next. She snorted and tissed her head but calmed at the touch of Dakota. The girl pushed the bit gently into the mare's mouth, then pulled her ears throught the top of the bridle before securing it at the top of her neck. Image grunted and stomoed her hoof, her tail swishing. Dakota untied the cross ties amd use the reins to lead Image out of the stable. Image followed behind calmly and obediantly. The pair passed by a corral, a bay arabian within the fenced in area. The stallion caught Image's eye, his boldness and willingness quite surprising for she knew since the first day if the equines wild spirit. She shook her thiughts away as they arrived at the field. This was her first ride since she arrived but she was confident. Dakota stuck her left foot in the left stirup, pulling herself up before throwing her right leg over and securing it in the right stirup. Dakota clicked her teeth and that got Image to a walk and soon a trot as they rode along the field.

Question, how many characters can we have?))

Discussion Board / Re: Black Butler?
« on: July 15, 2014, 06:45:41 am »
My gerd! I just watched four more episodes and I must say the one where Ciel has to dress up like a girl is quite amusing. Especially this part.

Ciel Phantomhive: -Moaning n' groaning- That's it! This is killing me.
Sebastian: Young Master, I doubt a corset ever killed a lady.

I just couldn't help but laugh at that part. lol

Discussion Board / Black Butler?
« on: July 14, 2014, 07:09:45 am »
Before I begin, if this is in the wrong spot, please move it. ^.^'

Anyways, I just watched Black Butler episode 1 My butler, Able. My lord, I'm addicted already. I just wanted to know. Has anybody else watched this anime? lol I know lots probably have and I just never thought I'd like it till' I watched it.

Could I change my character to a rogue? xP I'm bored in BrokenClan. It seems nobody is in that clan or something.))

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Thyme's Steer Project!
« on: July 13, 2014, 06:34:35 pm »
D'aww Very cute Thyme. I do like the looks of that steer. ^.^ Goodluck. I may be getting a goat soon! I'm excited so hopefully my goat won't be stubborn like your steer. Lol

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