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Messages - Scarlet[]Death

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Leaving / Re: Leaving. I can't deal with the pain.
« on: September 18, 2014, 07:55:44 pm »
I'm sorry to hear you've been treated so badly by someone you cared about.
I know it's always easy to be the one standing beside and giving advice - but if you are enjoying this game I don't think you should let this person chase you away.

Also if he cussed you out, in-game that is, you have every right to report him and you should as well.
No one should be treated like that, and by doing so you'll make sure he doesn't treat another person as bad as he did with you.

I respect your choice, but you are always welcome back to FeralHeart if you feel like it.

Take care.

// Shallow

I would report him if I could... But knowing that I couldn't take any screenshots because of not thinking of doing so; being in such a hurt state, and also having some of these hurtful words said to me on Skype, I can't. So even if I tried to report, I would have no evidence to give. v.v; He does deserve to be banned from the game... But... That would not be able to be done because there were no screenshots of the offense. Though I do wish I done so.
I'll just have to wait a while and let this all blow over and when the time is right, maybe make a new account and start over. I do hope the pain will soon wither away and I'll log on here with a smile on my face. But for now, Goodbye Feral Heart and its' wonderful community! </3

Leaving / Re: Leaving. I can't deal with the pain.
« on: September 18, 2014, 07:40:26 pm »
I reactivated my account to reply to you all. But I reset my account so all of my characters & friends were removed. I don't know... I might stay... But... I'd probably make a whole new account so I don't have to suffer the memories. And on top of that most likely would never touch the game anymore besides probably come on once in a great while just to see how things are going. I also already deleted the game so it's obvious I won't be on there now. I'll probably be on one of the IT Servers... Dragon's Den most likely.

But... Yes, I'll... eventually get over the pain of the separation... I just... don't see how he could do this to me... He hurt me badly... he really did. And he's so blind to see it. He'd rather say "Yea, I'm gone," and "This is goodbye." after my pleating. It makes me think he's hiding something he doesn't want me to know about. All of my friends tell me that I should move on and I'll find somebody a whole lot better than him.
I just don't understand why he couldn't accept me! It hurts like being hit with a freight train and expected to just get up and walk away, when your heart, your whole body is annihilated by the hurtful, offending words and actions. It hurts so bad.
But... It's made me a little happy that you all understand... Your replies mean a lot to me<3. I'll probably come back... But I'll wait a while till this all becomes a distant memory. Make a new account and think of it as a my first day on the game. Be a new person. But goodbye for now, everyone. I'll may come back sooner or later... maybe never, but your replies have made me feel better. I will surely cherish them! ;;

Leaving / Leaving. I can't deal with the pain.
« on: September 18, 2014, 07:06:33 pm »
 I know this is probably not something I should talk about on here. But I have to let it out considering how much pain I've suffered through. I have to leave Feral Heart because of somebody that has hurt me, very badly. To the point where I can't be on the game anymore without remembering what he did. He's done treacherous things to me which has made my experience on FH a nightmare. I've never, ever had a good experience on FH since we met. This person used me, I thought he was a friend-- No, more than a friend. He was so close to me but then suddenly, yesterday and the day before.... He lets me have it. All because something months ago that he couldn't get over. He said I was the problem - ME the most sweetest person who cared the most about him and he just drops me, lets me go just like that. Not even giving me a chance. Just throws me in the trash. I've never wanted to do anything bad to him, never ever wanted to! And now... As selfish as he is, blames everyone else for the problems he starts. I've tried to change his attitude, his perspective of people and he just got worse. He got so blunt. He got so careless and didn't give a crap about me. He didn't even care that I'm doing this now. He left me and he doesn't care about me. He doesn't care that I'm in such emotional agony and feel as if I wish I want to drop dead. He doesn't care. All he cares about is himself and says I'm the problem when he started everything. I pleaded to him multiple times, and he always gives me blunt, careless talk. Like he's a zombie. He used to be my world, he used to be who I looked forward to when I went onto that game and now.... he just...... He just..... i can't do this. i have to quit FH. His memories will forever break me down if I don't. Just seeing him will make me break down and cry. Even typing about him makes me want to cry! It brings tears to my eyes that I have to do this just to avoid him! I don't understand why he won't accept me! I wish he would! I wish he would! ....i just... wish... he'd.... see... the pain I'm enduring of seeing him leave me.....

Well.... farewell Feral Heart.
It was a nice game and all.
But this one person has just.... He just.... Shattered me.
Sweared at me, called me horrible names and so on. It just.... It hurts so bad.
I'm sorry for having to say this to the whole community of Feral Heart.... but I felt the need to have it done.
Goodbye now.
This will be my last post before I delete my account. I can't take the pain anymore.

Game Discussion / Re: Letting out so much rage it's embarrassing >:c
« on: September 16, 2014, 01:32:49 pm »
I can see where your rage is coming from but to be honest, I love watching these people, mainly when I am on Maxwell. Because on him, I can make him troll the crap out of them if he wants because he is blunt and careless.

For the mate beggers, those are my favorite, I just say "No." as soon as they ask, people around me laugh because of how quick and heartless the response is.
Parent beggers, I've had a few of those, I either walk away if they lay near me or ask them what are they doing. Being a parent begger? Oh okay... I don't want kids. And then I walk away again. They pout and complain and some people get mad at me but I'm just laughing behind the screen.
For the suicidal ones, I will usually see if something is actually wrong and if they refuse to cheer up then I just toss my hands in the air and walk away.
Attention beggers, I will admit those bug me a bit. Usually I just watch them and then slowly start trolling them if I can, sometimes it works, sometimes the person blocks me lol
As for the cussing, I hate to say this, but I really could care less if you cuss or not. I don't do it a lot. The only time when I will say something is if a lot of people are getting mad at them for just tossing cursses out like confetti, then usually I report.

-Claps- I agree fully with this! BI
Thank you, Thyme. Thank you. //cheers.

Game Discussion / Re: Funniest Incorrect Items
« on: September 15, 2014, 07:42:36 pm »
I have the pawesome item pack v5 and here and there, I'd see people with a shark on their back, two or three pairs of horns on their head, antennae, lizard on their head, mine craft pig face, or a ton of other crazy incorrect items on. Sadly can't remember them all. xD

Game Discussion / Re: Death to the Parents?
« on: September 15, 2014, 06:43:40 pm »
Honestly, I think people kill off their character's parents or say that they didn't know their parents was because they want to start out fresh and not want to have to create a whole back-story on the character, not look for people to play as the parents of the character, or think of the names for the parents because they want to role-play as that character. They don't want to put everything about their "Family Tree" in their bio much of less have to think about it. I, myself, I guess am one of these people but I don't say that 'my parents were killed by _____' and act dramatic about it, I just put they're deceased or they're unknown. Because I don't want to think about the whole Family thing unless it took part in a huge role-play plot of some group.

Game Discussion / Re: Do you like horse characters?
« on: September 15, 2014, 03:17:34 pm »
I wonder if with the community's interest to role-play animals other than felines and canines, if it would spark a possibility in making new character models. Just a curious thought. Holy crap if a horse model was animated based on the style of Spirit, I'd lose myself.

^ //Would also totally love this if it happened.

But it all depends if Kovu will ever change his mind and update FH, or give the Source Code to a responsible Staff Member.

Game Discussion / Re: The unfinished tool "Movie Maker"
« on: September 15, 2014, 03:05:22 pm »
It would of been great to have the "Movie Maker" finished if Fh were ever updated. I have alwaya wondered what the "Movie Maker" was.

If the "Movie Maker" tool was finished, I would definitely play with it, record some gameplay, but I wouldn't make youtube videos because I'm not allowed to. //parental reasons

I would love to have the actions, effects, text, and all that. Maybe even add some new things to the "Movie Maker" if people started making new actions, effects, etc. for the "Movie Maker" tool & were downloadable.

But even though FH will probably never be updated again (then again it just might! all we need to keep is hope.) Yes, we could always dream of how the "Movie Maker" would be.

If it were ever a finished I bet a whole lot of people would appreciate it!

Game Discussion / Re: Do You Have Some Favorite Markings?
« on: September 15, 2014, 01:50:42 am »
Oh. I have a lot of markings that are my favorite! Lets see if I can remember 'em all.
Striped Hyena
Corgi2 (head)
German shepherd 1/2
Border Collie
Akita Inu
Husky2 tail (use this A LOT!)
Bicolor tabby
Ticked tabby
Timber wolf
Ayssian Wirehair
and a whole lot more
Nope can't remember the names. :C

Forum Games / Re: Buy, Sell, Trash
« on: September 14, 2014, 03:56:43 pm »
Buy Vespian, sell Lord Suragaha, and trash Sherlockian.

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