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Messages - Skullix

Pages: [1] 2
In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Canarius Cannibal's
« on: September 08, 2014, 01:02:10 am »
Name of character: Blood
Feral-Heart Username: wolfru
Gender: Male
Preferred rank: Esquire
Summary of ye' character's Past/History: Blood wasn't always a cannibal, when he was young he was trained to be loyal, and good. But it didn't turn out so well.. when he got older (about 16 months) he almost wiped his whole pack in order to become alpha. Though he decided to be a loner and look for a pack

RP sample: Blood layed still, eyes locked on a buck. Slowly crawling forward about a 1 foot at a time, when he was about a fox-length away he struck. Attacking on the buck's back first, he bit the base of the neck feeling the blood seep into his muzzle, smirking he jumped off. He ran at the buck again, this time striking the neck he shook it until the deer fell, helpless he let go then struck the neck again, as the deer went limp he dragged it back to camp

Accepted. Do place Cr in ye' characters name when in-game, and send a request to the group "Canarius".
I'll accept soon as I can.

Forum Discussion / Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
« on: September 07, 2014, 06:39:42 am »
Skelleanox : Skell-Ah-Knocks (Silent K.)
Wrexan : Reck-San
Daniel... : Come on people. BI
Haidar : Hi-Dare

So many 'sonas. Yet 'm proud.

Game Discussion / False Member Rage
« on: September 05, 2014, 07:04:02 am »
'M not sure if any other 've had this experience before, but I thought I'd just 've a little spack attack over 'False members.'
Have any o' ye' ever recruiting for a RP that 'yer passionate about, but then the day later find half ye' members 've left?
I know it's not much o' an issue, but if ye' gonna join a clan/pride/pack/horde, stay there 'n show ye' worth. Others may just be a tad bit busy when ye' decide to jump on, but if ye' jump on and leave a second later because ye' think all are inactive, 'yer pushin' it. Recently, I created a Role-Play, "Canarius", a cannibal wolf horde, and I was on a few hours in the mornin', then I got back on when I saw one of 'm members were on in the afternoon, but before I even had the chance to speak, they left. I'm not sayin' ye' don't have a right to ye' freedom and words, but if ye' gonna join a RP, stay there. Don't waste ye' samples on something ye' don't wish to be part o'.

Rage Over. 'M apologies, but 'tis how I feel.

Characters / Skell's Catastrophic Characters
« on: September 05, 2014, 04:35:02 am »
Skelleanox Aurun

Name: Skelleanox Aurun
Nickname(s): Skell, Skelle
Gender: Male
Age: 7 Human Years
Position: Official Character
Breed: Semi-Realistic Timber Mix
History: WIP
Art Pieces of Skell: N/A


Name: Wrex
Nickname(s): Wreck
Gender: Male
Age: 3 Human Years
Preset: WIP
Position: Stray Role-Play Character
Breed: Collie Mix
History: WIP
Art Pieces of Wrex: N/A

Lord Daniel Sage

Name: Lord Daniel Sage
Nickname(s): Dan, Danny
Gender: Male
Age: 5 Human Years
Preset: WIP
Position: Official Role-Play Character/Lord of 'm own RP
Breed: Timber mix
History: WIP
Art Pieces of Danny: N/A

Stay tuned 'fer more catastrophes.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Canarius Cannibal's
« on: September 04, 2014, 05:15:27 am »
Canarius Cannibal's

A highly Active Cannibalistic Wolf RP set in Fluorite Plains. We're strictly Literate, and Semi-Realistic. I don't mind if ye' have some odd colours, but please, keep our sensitive eyes in mind when ye' decide ye' character will be brightly hued. The RP itself is mature, so if ye' not a fan of gore, please, don't acknowledge this thread, for ye' stomachs own good.

The plot is based on a Post-Apocalyptic idea, where Cannibal's rule. There is only one pack, which is ruled by m'self, as Lord Daniel. Our ranks are medieval based, though all newcomers start as a Recruit. (Cr). Once a Recruit has deemed themselves fit for a rank, I'll then promote thee.


Lord/Lady : CLo/CLa
Caliph(Grand Advisor/Healer) : CHe
Seigneur(General) : CSe

Knight : CKn
Esquire(Apprentice) : Ces
Commoner : Cc

Recruit : Cr

Note: All new members start out as a Recruit. If ye' deem ye'self fit for a rank by bein' Active for two or more days ye' receive a rank.

If you want to join please fill out this Application.

Name of Character:

Feral-Heart Username:


Preferred Rank:

Summary of ye' character's Past/History:

Role-play Sample:

Please fill in the entire Application, or I'll disapprove it.

Still not sure? Check out our Website!

Game Discussion / Re: Where Are You Guys?
« on: September 03, 2014, 11:28:07 am »
Although I don't know ye' much, I'm usually relaxin' about the entrance to the South, or enjoying the chatt'r by the Stone Bridge.
That is, if 'm not bein' dragged around by my friends. ^^

Other Mods/Creations / Skell's Monstrous Creations
« on: September 03, 2014, 06:28:22 am »
'Allo there, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to my thread. Feel free to exploit m' riches, use them for ye' needs.

Height Map and Mask Pack 1

Divergent Faction Moon Modification

More 't come soon.

Art Gallery / Re: Katana's Art
« on: September 03, 2014, 05:28:51 am »
Wonderful pieces y'e have here, dear.

Presets & Markings / Re: Skell's Presets and Markings
« on: September 03, 2014, 02:51:21 am »
Thank ye' both.

Personal Use Presets

Skelleanox Aurun | Skell's Preset

Adoptable Presets

Venomous Theme

Sold to TheBlueLionn on DeviantART.

Free Presets

Red Wolf

Black Wolf

White Wolf



Slot One:
Slot Two:
Slot Three:

Takin' requests currently, with only three slots open at a time.
When requestin' remember to fill this out:


Note: What 'm currently capable of~

One Side

Workin' on my scrollin' skills.

Pages: [1] 2