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Messages - Tanoren

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Ah, thanks pkf7! I remembered it had imagery by default when I last played.

The login page shouldn't be black. The only reason it'd be black is if you're missing the watermill.fhm Did you download Arctic's maps and put them in your fhmaps folder?

Yep. I have them all.

Wow you guys are fast, thanks. Yeah I realized I was in the wrong folder right after posting and updated it. I apologize.

I reset and sent them all home again and still have the same problem. Even with them not in home, would the graphics on the login page still be black?

Aye, it sounds like you're missing the map files! Do as Kiki said and make sure you have a folder called fhmaps. It oughta look like this when you open it up~

Go to FH > media > terrains > fhmaps. There should be files called something like "fhBonfireIslands.fhm" etc. Are those all there?

Edit: Oh crap wrong folder.

That's what I have.

You could try changing your rendering system, or reinstalling Feralheart again.

Did both.

Game Help / Graphics not showing up- Avatar loading but nothing else
« on: July 22, 2016, 05:49:29 pm »
Hello. :) I'm trying to play FH again after not playing in yeeears. I didn't know my old account info on my old inaccessible email so I just signed up again a few months back.

So I log in, and get this.

I remember it having graphics panning around.

None here either. :(

And this is what happens.

I did reset the home (as this and 2 others were characters from when I created the account pre-update).

I tried both the torrent and the web download.
My graphics card is up to date and relatively new- bought this laptop a few months ago new. Everything else works fine for me.

What is happening and how can I fix it?

Thank you in advance. :)

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