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Messages - KorinaDragonClaw

Pages: [1]
Other Mods/Creations / Re: :Pale_Wolf's Creations: - New Presets
« on: December 13, 2014, 02:34:26 am »
Is your Electric City RP still active? If so, I'd love to join. :3

Thank you :3 If I knew how to add to your Floof-O-Meter, I would.

Forum Name- Korina Dragonclaw
UserName- KorinaDragonClaw
Canine (With Bat Wings)
Reference- Dark Gray Base, Lighter gray underfur, dark purple mane (eyecover), wings match base color, green eyes (try to make her look insane if you can), and if i can make some close to it, i'll edit this.
Do you want a raffle ticket + for which exclusive - No
Do you want art - No
Are you purchasing an exclusive + offer - No
Any deadline? -  Oct. 30th if possible, otherwise I don't have one.

Oh, and that Eagle/ Leoperd1187 thing is now dead. This is my new one.

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