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Messages - Sebastian--Michaelis

Pages: [1] 2 3
Forum Discussion / Re: Regarding a little incident on our boards.
« on: December 13, 2014, 02:50:44 am »
I am curious as to what happened now, I've missed it.

I'm a curious person. |D

Anyone mind PMing me and explaining? Unless that's not allowed, of course.

Game Discussion / Re: Ways you deal with a Troll player
« on: December 02, 2014, 11:36:12 pm »
Well, I haven't had a chance to encounter trolls in FH yet seeing as I can't enter the game due to my username being too long...(and I haven't caught registration again for a new acc) however, I do have troll experiences in general.

If someone trolls me, I just troll them back, 10x harder until they run away. I get creepy.

The best way to deal with trolls is to creep them out until they run.~

Or just say the most random things whenever they message you.


Troll: *insert trolling comment here*
Me: I have dead people in my closet.
Troll: O.o *more trolling*
Me: My favorite color is ham.
Troll: ...? -Trolls-
Me: I hate trees.
Troll: -Leaves.-

Forum Games / Re: The Song Game O-O
« on: November 26, 2014, 01:04:12 pm »
...I have no idea.

Let's go, it's my show,
Baby do what I say,
Don't trip off the glitz that I'm gonna display
Yeah I told you I'mma hold ya down until you're amazed
Give it to ya till you're screamin' my name.~

There once was a woman from Kew, who filled- Okay, nope, not telling the rest.

...Just look up Kuroshitsuji II bloopers.

Any chance that you may need a moderator?
Outright asking people for a moderator position without waiting for applications to open is a good way to get the staff to not make you one.

Ask Me / Re: Ask Sebastian.~
« on: November 09, 2014, 06:16:01 am »
hi *heavy breathing.*

I'm a cat [Not a question but still]

Ah, a feline... Hello there.~

Have you noticed something weird going on with Ciel lately?
No, I don't believe I have... why?

If you weren't a demon, what would you do?
Well, I am a demon, so... How am I supposed to know that? I have never been anything but a demon, so I don't know how it feels to not be one.

Someone just blew up your face!
...-Regenerates face.-

What if a cat scratched you?
Simple: The wounds would quickly heal. Did you expect me to answer that I'd be angry? How could I ever be angry at such an adorable creature?

How did you diiiee?
Do I look dead to you?

Someone just took away Ciel's tea! What do?
Give him some more tea and scold the person who took it. -Shrug.-

Game Help / Re: Can't log in. Help please?
« on: November 07, 2014, 02:10:47 am »
That's... absurd.

Really, if they were going to disallow usernames over 16 characters in-game, they should either have a warning on the registration warning of this, or not let the registration username box exceed 16 characters.

-Annoyed sigh.- Now I must wait for registration to open again.

Forum Games / Re: 1000 Ways To Get Kicked Out of Walmart/Kmart
« on: November 07, 2014, 01:10:18 am »
Throwing forks and knives at random people.

Yay for silverware weapons.

Forum Games / Re: Beautiful or Ugly?
« on: November 07, 2014, 01:06:13 am »

Claude Faustus.(UGLY.)

Who even are you :'D I'll say beautiful because It's the first time seeing you on the forums.
I shall now answer this question; I am Sebastian Michaelis, the smexy demon butler of Ciel Phantomhive. There's an anime about me.~

It's called Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler.

Game Help / Can't log in. Help please?
« on: November 07, 2014, 12:59:49 am »
The one thing a demon cannot do is log into FeralHeart properly...

I have tried multiple times now to log into the game, but it keeps telling me that my password is incorrect. It is most certainly not incorrect, I know my own password. I can log in fine on the website, but no matter how many times I change my password, it refuses to let me log in to the game.

How can I fix this, and why is it telling me that my password is incorrect no matter how many times I change it or type in the same exact one?

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