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Messages - [_RubanLaztryx_]

Pages: [1]
Finished Maps / Re: HorseLand (MAP DOWNLOAD, SCREENIES, TRAILER)
« on: November 06, 2015, 03:30:07 am »
Name: Nature Riders Academy
Members: None (New)
Roleplay: Semi-Literate
Realism: Semi-Realistic
Theme of Roleplay: To have fun and enjoy riding any of the horse breeds
Website: None
Requirements: Legendary Items & Mass Markings
Creatures allowed: Horses, Dogs, & Cats
How To Apply: Whisper me in-game (^KiodaTheWolf^) or fill out the form bellow:
Horse Name:

Ingame username: ^KiodaTheWolf^
Name: Dusty
Gender: Female
Desired rank: Delta
Wolf desc: Pelt: Gray-ish Gray/Underfur: White/Eyes: Blue/Above eye: Silver/Below eye: Black/Nose: Black/Mane: Brown-ish Gray-ish/Head Markings: Basenji/Body Markings: Akita Inu/Tail Markings: Akita Inu


Name: Lovenia
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Rank Desired: Scout
Char Personality: Kind & Gentle
Crushes: none
Mate: none
History: Doesn't like to talk about it
Other: I luv cookies :3 ^-^ <3

Sorry I can't paste pictures on this computer but I'm a gray wolf with blue eyes
Name: Lovenia
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Rank Desired: Scout
Char. Personality: Kind & Gentle
Crushes: None
Mate: None
History: Don't like to talk about it
Other: I eat cookies :3

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