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Messages - IsagoKage

Pages: [1] 2
Forum Games / Re: Random Info About You
« on: July 09, 2015, 02:40:14 pm »
Random: I'm a pretty good drawer on paper; but I'm not so good on the computer programs.
Random 2: Every one of my character's names have a hidden meaning, whether it has a meaning in a different language or is a cool word with a cool definition.

Characters / Re: ^Shine^
« on: July 05, 2015, 01:24:24 am »
Shine's adorable!

Forum Games / Re: Cute or Creepy?
« on: June 29, 2015, 08:59:31 pm »
Cute! XD
A winged wolf?

Forum Games / Re: Typing With Your Eyes Shut
« on: June 29, 2015, 08:58:16 pm »
Hi I;m a bamama    XD

Characters / Re: Duna's Box of Characters
« on: June 27, 2015, 03:24:25 pm »
I love your characters Blizzard and Wind. Their personalities are original and designs are amazing!

Characters /
« on: May 20, 2015, 04:43:21 pm »
Wow Fumo and Pinto are both cool, you should put them back into use

Species / Re: Vorox (New Group Looking For Members!)
« on: March 20, 2015, 01:18:04 pm »
in-game username: Equinox4262
Vorox name: Shadow (possibly XD)
Gender: Male
Breed: I don't know what breed you made him, black Vorox??
Personality: I'm guessing he is reserved, mysterious, not very friendly, but will warm up to people he knows
Roleplay Sample:

Shadow ducked under the arch made of tree roots; and continued to run through the evergreen forest. The heavy panting of the Vorox behind him only spurred his excitement. Shadow leaped up a tree in one swift move, confusing the Vorox that was following him. "Where did that black Vorox go? Ugh, It doesn't matter. I spotted him." the disappointed Vorox said, giving one final glance over his shoulder before padding away. Shadow smirked and leaped down from the tree. "What an idiot." He stretched, his large muscles rolling under his black pelt. Suddenly a screeching howl came from the distant mountains. Shadow looked up at the mountains, in all their tall white glory. Another howl sounded through the cold, still air. To Shadow, it sounded like a howl of pain or grief. He shrugged and started to trot away.

Screenshot: I can't make one until you say I can be Shadow, because you know, you made up the character and that would be stealing him (lol)

Species / Re: Vorox (New Group Looking For Members!)
« on: March 20, 2015, 01:10:58 pm »
Can I roleplay as Shadow the black Vorox? I'm a good roleplayer.

Hey Hylocereus, maybe Gaila and Sotet can be the male and female leaders of the Yrev pack (not as mates, but just as two leaders XD)

That's a really good roleplay sample! I'm glad you don't want to be the same leader as my chara, because you would win for sure! XD

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