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Messages - LyingStoneHearts

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Game Discussion / Re: Oppinions on custom map problems
« on: April 19, 2015, 01:48:27 pm »
I don't think it's reportable unless they directly start harassing you-- or being disruptive. Even more-so since it's a map available to the general public. A friendly, polite whisper explaining that there's a roleplay in progress is the most you can do, sadly. I've accidentally bumbled into a few after downloading maps from deviantART. As you said, if they don't, you might need to encourage your group to block or ignore them.

Can definitely understand the irritation though; I once had someone burst into a private map-- which was a bit of a pain. Even so, I hope it all gets resolved!

^ Pretty much this.

Unless there is some sort of issues with the user like they're purposefully harassing you guys and starting trouble then there's little we'd do. Also from prior experience with these kinds of scenarios I suggest that you do not become the instigator in the situation simply to upset the stranger and get them in trouble. If the stranger isn't doing anything bad there shouldn't be a need to kick them out. Maybe the stranger likes your map etc, infact its flattering that they downloaded your map :)! The only suggestion is that you seriously consider whether you should release the map publically or not because once it's out there its open for anyone, thus making it your responsibility if you get unwanted strangers roaming about. If you don't want your map filling up with strangers its best that you take good care of who you give your map's download links to and or what source you use to share them. Be sure that you can trust your group mates to keep your map private.

Keep in mind that you could also try opening up and maybe even befriending the stranger or inviting them into your roleplay. Friendliness can sometimes go a long way as well ^^
That's a good point there too. I am planning to make my own map and I'm considering whether to make it public or not so I'm gathering lots of ideas what to do in this kind of scenario. *takes down notes*

Game Discussion / Re: Opinions on custom map problems
« on: April 19, 2015, 10:06:25 am »
I don't think it's reportable unless they directly start harassing you-- or being disruptive. Even more-so since it's a map available to the general public. A friendly, polite whisper explaining that there's a roleplay in progress is the most you can do, sadly. I've accidentally bumbled into a few after downloading maps from deviantART. As you said, if they don't, you might need to encourage your group to block or ignore them.

Can definitely understand the irritation though; I once had someone burst into a private map-- which was a bit of a pain. Even so, I hope it all gets resolved!

It hasn't happened to me yet but I'm planning to make a map pack and I'm just wondering what would the situation be like if I made the map public and suddenly I decide not to make it public for one day. And you're right I don't think it's reportable either I mean it's kind of like taking care of your account "Your account is your responsibility" but in this case "Your map is your responsibility" For now I'm just gathering opinions on this topic.

Game Discussion / Re: Oppinions on custom map problems
« on: April 18, 2015, 11:10:19 pm »
Hum. Well.....
I don't know.

It's a public that, that, hypothetically, I said was public so....

I guess I kinda can't.
Difficult to answer isn't it? But that is a good point you have there.

Game Discussion / Oppinions on custom map problems
« on: April 18, 2015, 10:51:12 pm »
Okay so I'm just wondering this: Let's say you have a custom map you made yourself and shared it on the forums so others could use it. And one day you decide to roleplay with your group in your map. Then suddenly a person who is not in the roleplay appears in the map and maybe you decide they are distracting your roleplay so you ask them to leave, but they don't. Would screenshoting the "offense" and sending it to a mod really be the right thing to do? After all remember it's YOUR creation and you have the rights to it. Any thoughts on this.

Introduction / New to the forums
« on: April 18, 2015, 10:39:30 pm »
Hello I'm not very new to FeralHeart but I'm new to the forums so I thought I should say hi.

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