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Messages - Raimo

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Cat name



I'm interested in becoming deputy if its open, although if high ranks are closed I'll make him a warrior

Roleplay Sample
The gentle whispering of the leaves were heard above the tree tops; a silent song of awakening, toying with the sun to rise and bring a new day -  a new life - to the forest floor below. where the sky was still cast in the starry out look, where twinkling spots lined the black pelt of the giant feline. a tale to many young felines who had been born roamers and free folk knew of the tale of the giant feline known simply as death, where he came down onto the ground each night to guide the lost souls into his pelt - using those souls as assets that would show the cats below that they were being watched - but come day, he would turn so that his eye was upon the cats, a hot yellow amber surrounded by blue instead of white. those were the thoughts of his felines before he had come to this cluster of cats; those were the rights and hopes of his felines. 'Not today.' would be a whisper echoed around him and his brother as they struggled thorough the night airs. But he knew, the young male feline knew, that death's eye wandered to him enough times and that one day it would cast it's eye fully on him and strip him of his mortal body.

The sun, harsh and cold this morning inched slowly up past the shade of trees, but from the tall one here within the depth of the forest the head of a cat peeked from among it's leaves, face washed in cool sunlight and the morning chill that came with the transition from night to day. A feline of a cluster of cats, simply known as a Clan, this male had snuck out early enough to see the dawning, early enough for once to see his mentor still sound asleep; but not early enough to see the milky-dawn rise above the horizon - his favourite part. where the night sky would slowly inch it's way from the view of the felines below only to be awoken by the eye of the cat whose pelt shifted. 'fear not him, but do not look him in the eye!' would be the whisper of a mother within the young male's ears, a cat who had told him of these tales and had cautioned him against such things. 'do not look death in the eye, he will strip you of your sight.' and after seeing the cluster of his cat's leader, tree, parish from an eye infection, the young male knew not to test this golden amber above.

From where he stood; paws pressing onto branches and head peeking from the leaves, he could see across the vast trees and dips but his eye sight did not detect anything other then the rustling of the wind brushing brushes and ferns, keeping things in their check. But as the wind whispered it's tune above the ground - living free and nomadic as he had once been, he watched as it sprang to life and died with in moments, and with the giant amber known simply as sun, brushed his gentle rays across his turned face, the young male ducked below the surface of the leaves, watching with little interest as the sun edged closer and closer, absorbing the leaves and making them strive for more then what they had already given. you are a fool to think you can survive this, now return to the ground and get home. The voice of reason whispered within his ears, taunting him as his eyes peered from the branch he had settled on - below him at least fifty feet was the ground, looming like a death trap.

Get it together you weak freak, it's not like you'll break your forepaw. a portion of his mind whispered again but he chose to ignore that fact; he had never in this life time broke his paw, though in the past there had been times when he had thought he had, awoken from a to real life where below him laid a ugly twisted paw scarred and tattered, but beyond the paw was what he had been interested in - herbs and holly berries, night shade and black pulp. He remembers the voice so filled with hatred telling him how to create such a thing and from there he had slept and dreamt of how to make these things. And with each night came a new lesson of his memory and he tried to ask his brother if they had known where he had gained such knowledge but not even his clever brother could tell him and the feline was left to wonder. Shaking his head, he realized with mild wonder that he had already begun his descend, each paw step careful and quiet as he dragged himself down the brown bark.

Suddenly a flash of white stirred his eyes from where he had been climbing as he froze. Claws on the trunk of the tree where has hind legs rested on the branch he had gotten to. What was that? His mind whispered before his paws began to quicken the descend to the ground. As the green ground swallowed his tabby brown pelt, his eyes - those that matched the great yellow in the sky, shown brightly from green ferns and brushes. It's coming this way! His mind screeched and a part of his wished for it to change it's course, but as it came, charging thorough the undergrowth from the direction of the nomadic lands, the tom yowled in a silent protest; the tabby tom launched himself from the brush knocking into the white blur. A tumble would follow, and with the young tom looked up his eyes would widen in annoyance. It was only Froststep of ThunderClan.

"you okay?" He grumbled thoughtlessly, pushing himself up onto all fours with a slight wince. It would seem he had down something to his paw afterall.

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