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Messages - AngryCharmander

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Wow, this seems amazing. I totally wanna join!

Username; LibratheScales
Character Name; Eris
Species; Cross species between a species of Stag Wolf and an unknown magical entity
Picture or Description; I'm sorry, I haven't quite established this yet. I hope you don't mind!
Short Roleplay Sample;
The fantasy creature's pawsteps stomped on the forest floor, her snout raised to bush-level. The omnivore was starved, and not a singe berry or creature was nearby. Luckily, she caught a wiff of the sweet scent of berries a few minutes in to walking, her busy-body stomach snarling at her for some food. She quickened her pace, until she finally made it to a blue-dotted shrub. They didn't appear poisonous, or smell strange, so she began her quiet feast, generously lapping up and biting into the delicious fruits.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Heyo! Any RPs out there?
« on: August 20, 2015, 06:39:19 pm »
Sorry, I don't prefer multi-species, but thank you for the proposal.
Also yes, that would be nice to inform me of any :D

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Heyo! Any RPs out there?
« on: August 19, 2015, 01:36:53 am »
Okay, yes, I have weird tastes, but i've been looking for an rp that meets the following:

Human/Demon OR only human, OR elemental wolves
Sited would be nice
And needing an RPS.
Perhaps a skype group? I dunno, I don't really care.
Active. Active would be nice.


Hello everyone! I'm here to offer a Naruto rp, and someday I hope it becomes a bustling, active community!
The rp is...
Mature (Yes, the REAL mature, there WILL be bloodshed and violence. If you can't handle it, you don't need to join!)
Novella/Novel post style (No *She walks in the woods* or *He ate the apple*. You all are old enough to have at least read one novel, so you should know what I mean.)
No RPS (Yes, i'm going to allow people in without an RPS, I can trust people enough to know what I want and not have to give me a post to prove it.)
Plotted (Yes! There will be a plot! When at least 6 active people have joined in, a website shall be created!)
Skype (Okay, yes, there WILL be a skype group. If the majority of active members are on the skype group, then we'll stick with rping there. If people would rather rp on FH, we'll rp there. Just in the case to make it fair, i'll propose a poll.)
Anime-Based (Yes, as it is several decades into the future, it is still based off Naruto. Do NOT reveal anything from the anime, though! This will be it's own thing, and have nothing to do with the anime's events due to the distant time gap!)

UPDATE: Alright you all, you've probably been showing a blind eye to this thread because you didn't see a plot, but here's one now!
Many decades into the future, in the now-city of Konoha, an era of peace has once again been achieved. The Leaf ninja have been much more vigilant of threats, having developed both new Jutsu, and new teachings. Modern technology has taken place, but has been prevented from becoming a solid part of the Ninja's lives. Although with their new ways, they still are unaware of a threat; a secret uprising, wishing to disturb the peace once more... Will the new ninja, the children of this generation, be able to face this threat? Or fall to death along with their comrades?


No Gary-Mary Sue characters!
Be unique! Give your characters flaws along with their perks! It makes them a more interesting character rather than a rubber stamp!

Don't disrespect!
Be nice to everyone. If you have a problem with a member, contact me! Do NOT confront them head on.

Be active!
If you're going to be inactive for a whole week or longer, please let us know! It's quite rude to disappear for no good reason, but if you've gotten in a hairy situation (Power out, car accident, etc.) with all your power, at least get someone to say something about it. If you have no choice but to be inactive, that's alright, but only if its a reason where you ABSOLUTELY can't be on!

Even though theres no need for an RPS, you will need to fill out a little character sheet and post it below. Don't worry, I'm not asking for much, so don't you leave this page!

Site: TBA


Character Name:

Character Age (It needs to range from 11 to 13, since most new Genin are in this range):

Family (Meaning, Last name):

Kekkei Genkai (OPTIONAL; Not everyone needs to have one, so it's alright! If you don't know what it is, it's an ability limited only to the family your character is in, and no one else can learn it):

Signature Jutsu (It can be a Jutsu from the original series, as long as it isn't too advanced or too powerful, or just make your own! Also specify if they specialize in Genjustu, Ninjutsu, or Taijutsu):

History (Optional):

Hello everyone! I decided this was a good question to ask the public, dunno if a thread like this is still here and burning, so here this is!

As far as a type of rp I like, I like Literate rps.
I'm more of a fantasy person when it comes to RP, and i'm not one to lean to animal ones (Ironically enough, since this is an Animal MMORPG). Even though the type of rp I like isn't the biggest thing, much like trying to find a tooth in a pile of cotton balls, at some point I happen upon them!

Yes, I'm the type of person who likes giving out rp samples and only seeks rps with them. They're just really fun to make and it's only showing off your skills!

Though, the type of rp I don't like, clearly, are illiterate or mixed-style rps. Look, i'm not trying to be mean, but I just don't feel that it's fair if I join an rp, I do my usual multi-post rp style, while everyone else types these short sentences and doesn't bother to try something new. (Along with the fact that my inner grammar nazi activates from heavy mistakes and lack of detail and I just mentally rage XD)
Though as far as a type of rp I don't like, is warrior rps. They're at the far bottom of my list. I wouldn't come up to someone and rage at them because they're clad in cat fur and have the name Cricketflight, I respect people's opinions. Though the key reason why I don't like them is because they just all feel the same to me.
Secondly, it's because of the bizzare-o names people come up with. Really, how does a cat know what a mallet is? And who would name their poor baby Corpsekit? Sounds like bad parenting. ^-^

These are all just my opinions, I don't wish to be raged at for them.

What about you guys? What types of things in rps do you like?

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