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wOOP, no idea how I got this to work but I did. LMAO. Nevermind! And yes I was switching from Open to Direct a couple times and made sure it was on Open but yesterday it just refused to work? Anyway the problem is resolved, thank you! And it's absolutely beautiful.

I see there is an OPENGL32 log.
Could you paste the contents here?
Also, update your graphics drivers to the latest version if you can. That may be the problem.
And i'm not sure how i'd go about updating the driver.
Code: [Select]
22/06/2016 11:19:24:339 [22288] | INFO  | Initializing crosire's ReShade version '' built on '2015-11-07 11:55:53' loaded from "C:\FeralHeart\OPENGL32.DLL" to "C:\FeralHeart\FeralHeart.exe" ...
22/06/2016 11:19:24:534 [22288] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d8.dll" ...
22/06/2016 11:19:24:550 [22288] | INFO  | > Delayed.
22/06/2016 11:19:24:550 [22288] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll" ...
22/06/2016 11:19:24:550 [22288] | INFO  | > Delayed.
22/06/2016 11:19:24:550 [22288] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d10.dll" ...
22/06/2016 11:19:24:565 [22288] | INFO  | > Delayed.
22/06/2016 11:19:24:565 [22288] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d10_1.dll" ...
22/06/2016 11:19:24:565 [22288] | INFO  | > Delayed.
22/06/2016 11:19:24:565 [22288] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d11.dll" ...
22/06/2016 11:19:24:581 [22288] | INFO  | > Delayed.
22/06/2016 11:19:24:581 [22288] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d12.dll" ...
22/06/2016 11:19:24:581 [22288] | INFO  | > Delayed.
22/06/2016 11:19:24:581 [22288] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\dxgi.dll" ...
22/06/2016 11:19:24:581 [22288] | INFO  | > Delayed.
22/06/2016 11:19:24:581 [22288] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\opengl32.dll" ...
22/06/2016 11:19:24:581 [22288] | INFO  | > Delayed.
22/06/2016 11:19:24:581 [22288] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\user32.dll" ...
22/06/2016 11:19:24:581 [22288] | INFO  | > Libraries loaded.
22/06/2016 11:19:24:628 [22288] | INFO  | > Found 5 match(es). Installing ...
22/06/2016 11:19:24:880 [22288] | INFO  | > Installed 5 hook(s).
22/06/2016 11:19:24:880 [22288] | INFO  | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\ws2_32.dll" ...
22/06/2016 11:19:24:880 [22288] | INFO  | > Libraries loaded.
22/06/2016 11:19:24:888 [22288] | INFO  | > Found 8 match(es). Installing ...
22/06/2016 11:19:25:251 [22288] | INFO  | > Installed 8 hook(s).
22/06/2016 11:19:25:251 [22288] | INFO  | Initialized.
22/06/2016 11:19:25:408 [22288] | INFO  | Installing delayed hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\opengl32.dll" ...
22/06/2016 11:19:25:424 [22288] | INFO  | > Found 360 match(es). Installing ...
22/06/2016 11:19:25:424 [22288] | INFO  | > Installed 360 hook(s).
22/06/2016 11:19:25:424 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'wglChoosePixelFormat(B6011371, 0028F40C)' ...
22/06/2016 11:19:26:386 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'RegisterClassExA(58B1FB2C)' ...
22/06/2016 11:19:26:489 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'wglSetPixelFormat(B6011371, 2, 0028F40C)' ...
22/06/2016 11:19:26:489 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'wglCreateContext(B6011371)' ...
22/06/2016 11:19:26:770 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'wglMakeCurrent(B6011371, 00010000)' ...
22/06/2016 11:19:28:118 [22288] | ERROR | Your graphics card does not seem to support OpenGL 4.3. Initialization failed.
22/06/2016 11:19:28:164 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'wglChoosePixelFormatARB(B6011371, 6CBCFAE0, 00000000, 256, 0028EF50, 0028F470)' ...
22/06/2016 11:19:28:227 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'wglMakeCurrent(00000000, 00000000)' ...
22/06/2016 11:19:28:227 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'wglDeleteContext(00010000)' ...
22/06/2016 11:19:28:352 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'wglChoosePixelFormat(D8011371, 0028E730)' ...
22/06/2016 11:19:28:352 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'wglSetPixelFormat(D8011371, 2, 0028E730)' ...
22/06/2016 11:19:28:352 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'wglCreateContext(D8011371)' ...
22/06/2016 11:19:28:772 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'wglMakeCurrent(D8011371, 00020000)' ...
22/06/2016 11:19:28:819 [22288] | ERROR | Your graphics card does not seem to support OpenGL 4.3. Initialization failed.
22/06/2016 11:19:28:876 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'wglMakeCurrent(D8011371, 00020000)' ...
22/06/2016 11:19:35:659 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'RegisterClassA(0028F570)' ...
22/06/2016 11:19:35:674 [22288] | INFO  | > Adding 'CS_OWNDC' window class style flag to 'irrKlangWindow'.
22/06/2016 11:19:35:940 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'RegisterRawInputDevices(6D3D3044, 1, 12)' ...
22/06/2016 11:19:35:940 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'RegisterRawInputDevices(6D3D3014, 1, 12)' ...
22/06/2016 11:20:17:702 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'RegisterRawInputDevices(6D3D306C, 1, 12)' ...
22/06/2016 11:20:17:703 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'RegisterRawInputDevices(6D3D3060, 1, 12)' ...
22/06/2016 11:39:08:250 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'RegisterRawInputDevices(6D3D3044, 1, 12)' ...
22/06/2016 11:39:08:250 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'RegisterRawInputDevices(6D3D3014, 1, 12)' ...
22/06/2016 11:39:09:913 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'RegisterRawInputDevices(6D3D306C, 1, 12)' ...
22/06/2016 11:39:09:913 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'RegisterRawInputDevices(6D3D3060, 1, 12)' ...
22/06/2016 11:49:58:340 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'RegisterRawInputDevices(6D3D3044, 1, 12)' ...
22/06/2016 11:49:58:341 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'RegisterRawInputDevices(6D3D3014, 1, 12)' ...
22/06/2016 11:49:59:722 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'RegisterRawInputDevices(6D3D306C, 1, 12)' ...
22/06/2016 11:49:59:722 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'RegisterRawInputDevices(6D3D3060, 1, 12)' ...
22/06/2016 11:53:19:376 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'RegisterRawInputDevices(6D3D3044, 1, 12)' ...
22/06/2016 11:53:19:376 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'RegisterRawInputDevices(6D3D3014, 1, 12)' ...
22/06/2016 11:53:20:595 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'RegisterRawInputDevices(6D3D306C, 1, 12)' ...
22/06/2016 11:53:20:595 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'RegisterRawInputDevices(6D3D3060, 1, 12)' ...
22/06/2016 16:41:25:677 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'RegisterRawInputDevices(6D3D3044, 1, 12)' ...
22/06/2016 16:41:25:678 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'RegisterRawInputDevices(6D3D3014, 1, 12)' ...
22/06/2016 16:41:27:261 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'wglMakeCurrent(00000000, 00000000)' ...
22/06/2016 16:41:27:262 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'wglDeleteContext(00020000)' ...
22/06/2016 16:41:27:393 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'RegisterRawInputDevices(6D3D306C, 1, 12)' ...
22/06/2016 16:41:27:407 [22288] | INFO  | Redirecting 'RegisterRawInputDevices(6D3D3060, 1, 12)' ...
22/06/2016 16:41:33:136 [22288] | INFO  | Exiting ...
22/06/2016 16:41:33:139 [22288] | INFO  | Uninstalling 419 hook(s) ...
22/06/2016 16:41:38:771 [22288] | INFO  | Exited.

Art Gallery / Re: Juxta Arts! (Requests are open)
« on: June 23, 2016, 03:23:26 am »
I hope ya don't mind if I request my main gal<33

Character Name: Kynvuu
DA Username: Kynvuu
Type: Full body please
Other Details: She hails from a tribal background (like island, voodoo kind of tribal) so if you want to get creative and include that somehow that could be cool! It's up to you though, you have all the creative liberty xD

Thanks so much for doing this!<3

Here you go! Was having trouble with a background but I hope this will suffice.

Art Gallery / Re: Juxta Arts! (Requests are open)
« on: June 22, 2016, 10:34:20 pm »
I am speechless. If you're doing requests, can't wait to see the outcomes o:

- Hurriedly Clicks Link To DA -
Wow, your art looks magnificent! :3
Oh my stars.. I there is no words existing to describe this stunning art. ;o; Keep it up, God!
I'm like...I can't even type xD Your artwork is simply stunning<33 Your style is so unique and all the colors you use are absolutely beautiful! Would love to have a piece done by you, so I do hope you decide to take requests soon! Keep up the great work! c:
Your style is stunning I love the way you do paws!!
*jaw drops* Holy cow these are amazing! You're style is just incredible!!! +floof! (I would give more but I'm not allowed to within a 24 hour period. You deserve like.... 74598478543895789457 floofs....)

THANK! Requests are open now if any of you are interested.


And I'm definitely running on OpenGL - well from what I see in the game settings, so I assume it SHOULD be all correct. Maybe I'm just blind and missing something.

Not sure why this won't work for me... I followed the instructions carefully and even read through all the replies to try out some of the advice you gave for other people's problems. But to no avail, this is a really beautiful mod though you did phenomenal - not sure what else to do. 

Art Gallery / Juxta Arts! (Requests are closed)
« on: June 22, 2016, 04:01:16 pm »
Just some art I did recently/am proud of.
Might end up doing requests soon, who knows!
edit: I'm opening up requests for a short time~ just fill in the form.

Character Name:
DA Username: (if you have one)
Type: (specify if you want a headshot or full body)
Character: (Ref or screenie, either is fine)
Other Details:

SLOT 1: Kynvuu
SLOT 2: Ny
SLOT 3: Baine
SLOT 4: Josey
SLOT 5: Shira
SLOT 6: Cale

I'll be reopening requests once I get this batch done.

For now i'm not doing complex backgrounds since i'm not very good at them yet.
You can find all of these and more if you check out my Deviant Art.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: THE PIMIENTA KINGDOM
« on: June 22, 2016, 02:51:42 pm »
Alright just let me know in a PM or something.~

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: THE PIMIENTA KINGDOM
« on: June 22, 2016, 02:12:19 pm »
(Apologies for all the spam posts, but seeing that you need some staff I might be able to pitch in even if my character is fully developed to fit this roleplay yet.)

#1 Central Time Zone
#2 7 days of the week, normally towards 4PM - 10PM (or later depending on who's up.)
#3 I've lead multiple packs as leader and usually keep them pretty active. Since my job schedule is pretty flexible i'm almost always at every important event and meeting. If I gave specific examples I'd have to name way too many roleplays, BUT, they include: Forsaken Lore, Cherry Blossom Valley,  Miscegenation, Rose Valley, and many others that don't come to mind to me right at this moment.
#4 Only one, and I can't recall the name in all honesty. Slowly going inactive in this one anyway due to my character leaving.
#5 (Random character by the way.) Verdict led a low rumble echo throughout his mighty chest, white clouds of frozen air mushrooming from his snout. He was utterly annoyed with the disrespect, it made his muscles tense and his blood run cold until he was completely numb and his mind blacked out of all morality. But, even with that he had to swallow down the vain words he wished to bark and he had to choke back his passionate urge to rip the others to shreds. On the outside, he held his head high, deep chestnut fur specked with little snowflakes that chilled his fiery internal thoughts. "They won't step on me." he finally uttered, then continued on his travel.
#6 I think I deserve a House Head role because i'm extremely active and 100% loyal to any roleplay i'm in.
#7 N/A Does not pertain to me.
#8 I don't have a screenshot yet or any further information until the character creation rules have been made clear - but I CAN give a mini bio and anything will be changed if need be.
Name: Conan Von Claw
Type: I-Wolf Type A
Age: 7
Gender: Male
Appearance: TBA
Body Build: Tall and lean.
Fur Type: Thick yet silky, longer fur along his head and down his spine as well as his two front paws and tail.
Personality Snapshot: From an outsider's perspective, Conan is extremely calm and easy-going. His voice is warming and his decisions are made to benefit the pack members rather than power driven.
Voice: Rasp with a gentle purr.
#9  I do have Skype, but for screensharing I typically use instead of the ladder. It works more smoothly and you can download it both via desktop and app - but it also allows you to watch a screensharing session with just your browser.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: THE PIMIENTA KINGDOM
« on: June 22, 2016, 01:38:52 pm »
I'd be happy to put in an application but I still don't know all the character creation rules to guide me.

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