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Messages - PurpleGuy

Pages: [1]
Other Games / Aoi-Tenshi is now online! (An Impressive title server)
« on: July 22, 2017, 07:00:06 pm »
Aoi-Tenshi has been released again to the public. And is now active as well! If you're looking for a server that has people, this is the server for you. We have roughly 5,6 to 10 people on daily! And staff who are willing to do contests and social and help with the members.

What's new?
-Global Update-
~ New GUI
~ Chatbox font become smaller
~ Hit F to run faster!
~ Bodies and some heads become smoother
~ Swim animation was added
~ More maps: Spacious Glade, Woodlands, Japan Garden, Enigmatic World, The Chase
* Edited maps: EternalSnow(Veronique), Tundra(Flamingtruth), Club, Lake, Dead Forest(this map is dead atm)
~ Edited two manes
~ More items: Rainbow Spiked Collar, Dreamcatcher, Hipster Glasses (re-rigged)
~ Thriller, Laugh were replaced with two new animations (will be renamed later)
~ Automatic updater (the game will updated automatically when it's needed)
~ Critters were moved from some maps to other
~ Added mane texture
~ More critters: Gogoat, Feral, Deer (they don't spawns, will be fixed later)
~ Edited game launcher
~ Added more grass
~ Remade Club house
(if I forgot something I will add it later

There will also be more updates in the future, like items and possibly more prey as well as maps. There are plently of beautiful maps for you to explore as well. In Aoi-Tenshi, there are No Impressive title items. All the items were remade except the santa hats(Which are a seasonal event). 

How many new stuff is there so far?

- 28 new maps

- 137 Items(No OIT Items, other than the eggs, and this counts ALL Items. Including color variations.

- Non OIT Playermodel.

-Much more!


And more to be added! If you'd like to join and take part of the fun you can join here at

Other Games / Re: Apoc Unbound (An Impressive title server)
« on: January 26, 2017, 03:36:23 am »
UPDATED With more Progress pictures!

Other Games / Re: Apoc Unbound (An Impressive title server)
« on: January 15, 2017, 06:14:11 am »
heck yeah i'm always weak for the apocalypse theme! i'll be joining this server for sure! <3

We need some people to join! :) Thank you so much if you join. We'll be looking forward to it! I love Apocalypse theme's too. They're great aren't they?

Other Games / Re: Apoc Unbound (An Impressive title server)
« on: January 15, 2017, 05:13:23 am »
Thank you! I Also posted more Progress screenshots. :) Hope you like them.

Other Games / Re: Apoc Unbound (An Impressive title server)
« on: January 14, 2017, 11:55:25 pm »
Thank you both of you for the lovely comments, we are working hard at trying to get more preview pictures. I'll definitely post more soon! and I love apocalypse themes too! c: That's why I thought this would be a good idea.

Other Games / Apoc Unbound (An Impressive title server)
« on: January 14, 2017, 11:20:28 pm »
Apoc Unbound is an Impressive title server based on apocalypse. We are currently hiring staff members and hope to gain new members as well!

Impressive title was a game based on Lion King. However, it ended and the source was released for anyone to use.

Here's what we need:
-A few more mods, maybe one or two active ones, or more if we can.

-Design team(Map-makers, Modelers, and Texture Artists we kind of have none of those and me and Truth can't do this ourselves. Some extra hands will be greatly towards us!

The server is currently up, we are ready to begin staff testing and fixing the server up to what we want. Everything is ready and all setup. We just need staff to help us get the server done quicker. If you are interested into joining AU. Here is the link:

(If it doesn't work then use this):

We aren't looking for commissions, or paying staff members. We are looking for staff who are willing to help us. Not in it for the payment. Isn't that what staff are for? So please do not post with asking for payment. If we wish to commission anyone we will do it when we have money to do so.

The server is about an apocalypse. That's what Apoc is short for, we plan to make some scary maps and hopefully scary looking prey as well. We have so much set in store for AU. Our theme is Apocalypse. The lore will be set soon and we're working hard to get things ready for a final release one day. Smile Thank you to anyone who is reading this post and we hope you join our forums and/or become a staff member. We really want to see this server grow! If you have any questions you can PM me on the forums or on KITO and I'll gladly reply.

Previews of the game so far had been posted on the forums. Feel free to check those out!

I'm currently modifying some of the old maps that I feel could need a new map. Who knows? maybe one day I'll have all new maps. Some maps will be replaced, some will be changed to look better and more semi-realism and to be a bit more unique! (Lava is in a WIP, and I am working on an arena map.)
Default Map
New Ice Map
New Backdrop
New Eyebrows and Eye textures:
New Item
New Marking

Other Games / Tales Of Luzaris!
« on: November 21, 2016, 04:35:49 pm »
Tales of Luzaris is a free to play server based off the original Impressive title. Which was unfortunately  closed down. Impressive title was a Lionking based game which gave you the opportunity to run around as a Lion/Or Wolf.  Tales of Luzaris is currently released to the public but still in a major testing as we are fixing bugs, finding bugs and making it as enjoyable for you as possible!

The staff's main priority is the community. We believe in a calm, relaxed, great community and tend to try to make that happen! Here at Tales of Luzaris we have PVP codes and other useful codes that you'll like. Here is a screenshot of me and two members chilling:  If you are still interested! There are friendly staff who are online and at least one admin on most of the time! If you feel like you want to join don't be afraid and sign up on our forums.  If for some reason there is any issue feel free to contact one of the admins or a mod on the forum to assist you.  :)

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