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Messages - BadAssJeff

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Game Discussion / Re: Mate Centers
« on: July 07, 2015, 08:29:21 am »
Poor old mate center, being rejected.

Mate center is a nice way to get mates BUT the only problem is you only know this mate for a few minutes/half hour before they decide to leave you or log out so when your logged out they can just unbuddy you. Mate Center is especially good for trolling, for example; buttswinging or dancing in the middle when the person who's running it asks you to exit the center and then they threaten to report or block you.

Mate centers don't really have a purpose, when you go in the middle and someone comes up to you then sits. It's just like, ''who the hell are you? I don't know anything about you dude.'' Its true, you really don't know ANYTHING about that player, you can take a look at there Biography but that's either left blank or about their character. You don't know who they are, you haven't had some quality time with that person so it's awkward once you ''pick'' that mate. When you do decide to pick that certain person you don't know what to ask them or what the topic will be about now, you ask them ''So do you want to adopt a pup?'' or ''What do you want to do now?''. They don't know what to say after you question that, they ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS say ''Idk'', it gets on my nerves. That's why I think Mate Centers shouldn't really exist.

Most players who go to the Mate Center judge a person by there looks, don't be fooled if you think, ''Hey that guy/girl really likes me <3

Warning :
Don't expect to get a mate at the Mate Center. It's a load of crap :)

I'd get rid of Lonely Cave, instead of spawning in Lonely Cave when you make a new character there could be a list of public maps/maps you could go to.

Introduction / What took ya'll so long?
« on: June 23, 2015, 10:15:50 am »
Hey guys, i've just joined FeralHeart. Well not just joined but started to come back and roleplay! If you feel like roleplaying with me just send me a whisper on FH if i'm online. Or contact me on the forum ^-^ Lobster out~

Game Discussion / Re: If Feral-Heart wasn't called "Feral-Heart"
« on: June 23, 2015, 10:09:07 am »
What abbooout...

- Feral Destiny
- Canis Lupus
- Feline Canine
- Noob Palace

Game Discussion / Re: What Do You Guys Do For Fun in Feral Heart?
« on: June 23, 2015, 09:58:35 am »
Well one time I ended up making a character called '' Grass Cleaner '' , I would make this guy all green and when I entered the game I would head to Bonfire, aka Lagfire and make a ' lick ' emote and make him crouch, soon making the characters head facing the floor and I started using W S D A on my keyboard to make the tongue look like it was sliding across the ground.

Nowdays I end up sitting alone and going afk, either thinking about something or being incredibly bored, lazy and sad.

What does Lobster mean to you?
- Lobster means alot to me, hes kinda like an imaginary friend in a way.

Is there a special story behind why you picked Lobster's particular species or why you made Lobster look or act a certain way?
- I made Lobster look like Tobi, well something like Tobi from Naruto, taking his face and placing it on Lobsters. Lobster acts somewhat like Tobi, but just a tad more chill.

What or who does Lobster represent? Does Lobster  reflect you in any way? Or things you wish you had or could do?
- Lobster represents Tobi from Naruto.

Does Lobster have special abilities or secrets?

eeeh, he does have a few secrets and has the abilities to be very quick and persuasive and normally causes trouble.

Member Bio & Journals / Rykers lil' old Journal
« on: June 23, 2015, 09:39:38 am »
* Insert Picture Of Mwah Here *
Name ? Ryker Yvonne Sowe
Gender ? Female
Age ? 15 years, 9 months
Job ? Desired job to become an artist or a vet
Pets? I have a Taffy horse [black with a grey-goldish] mane. I also have 2 dogs, a black and white border collie and a brown and white border collie. Including a pet Tarantula.
Body modifications? I have a few tats. A howling wolf on my left arm and a snarling wolf on the other, a little ~ on each of my fingers.
Siblings ? I have a younger brother, a baby sister and an annoying 13 year old brother.
Strengths ? I can actually run quite fast so that'd be one of my strengths, passion for foam.
Weaknesses ? I can't swim, that's such a bummer. I never really got taught so that's a problem.
Injuries ? I actually have a few scars, a few scars on my legs and stitches in my arms from getting bullied when I was 11, getting big nails through me.
Extra ? I like to wear short/medium jeans along with a leather jacket with any kind of beanies. I also like to wear nerd glasses, or people call them ''3D Glasses''. I like to play Feral Heart, Heromice and tend to go on Animal Jam to achieve DA points.
Extra ? You may call me Lobster or Jeff.
Extra ? I'm fairly new to Feralheart and biography/journal writing.

Forum Discussion / Re: What's Your Biggest Feral Heart Fear?
« on: June 23, 2015, 09:25:08 am »
Heh, feralheart fears?

- Loosing Interest
I really don't want to stop playing Feral Heart, I must admit it is the most amazing game I could play <3

- Becoming a Loner
I don't want to become that lonely person who has no friends or nobody to hang with, you know what I mean? That fear might come true some day.

Forum Discussion / Re: FeralHeart Jobs and Ranks
« on: June 23, 2015, 09:21:21 am »
- Roleplay Maker
I think I've made a few good active packs, although I find it hard running them.

- Roleplayer
Well it really depends, I can sometimes start off a roleplay but sometimes not. I don't use Wolfspeak besides ' auditory ' and ' brute, feminine ect. ' When coming to making plots and such count me out.

I'f Kovu came back, hmm... I'm not really sure what he'd do.

- Running & Swimming Action
Okay, I'm really ticked of how the models run. I believe if Kovu came back that he'd change how the models would run, now days its basically a model's front legs and back legs going at the same time instead of a realistic running model.

- FeralHeart Maps
Yeah sure the maps are okay but we need more land to explore! Updating the maps would be a hole lot better.

- Colors & Markings
Having the option to atleast put 2 markings on one of your characters and possibly an eye editor so we can change the eye colors, for example ; One eye blue, one eye brown.

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