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Messages - unburo

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Re: Yo o/
« on: July 03, 2015, 10:58:36 pm »
Thank you all for the welcome! ^^ I was allowed to download on his computer, so I should be good to go soon :)

Green I've actually never seen Steven Universe, though my friend has been telling me to watch it, so I guess I will have to check it out ^^

Oh and thanks for all the well wishes on the move :) Its my third big move in 2 years, so I'm really really hoping it will be the last! haha

Introduction / Yo o/
« on: July 03, 2015, 05:18:40 pm »
Hi ya'll my name is Lysa, I really don't know what to write here lol... I've been RPing since I was a kid on Neopets, that was... something like 15 years ago now. I've been looking for somewhere else to branch out. I've been RPing almost exclusively with my friends through private RPs or via World of Warcraft. I've read the Warrior books, or at least the first series.

Uhm, anything else anyone wants to know, I'm eerily open about things, so you just need to ask. :) I am really looking forward to RPing with something other than blood thirsty Alliance or Horde again, as well as making new friends. :)

I won't be able to get in and actually play for a bit, as I am borrowing my boyfriend's laptop/desktop until we move and I have a place to set mine up. But I thought i'd introduce myself.

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