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Messages - `BluntForce`

Pages: [1]
The Demented Kiss
- A post must contain more then three sentences, would also have basic grammar.
~ No text talk: ur, u, y, etc.
~ Minimum Wolf Speak.
* It often makes no sense, and majority of the time most people don't understand it. Please avoid using it as multiple words, it honestly makes no sense, just keep it to one or two words please.
* Most people don't approve of wolf speak, and will get fired up about it. Help us keep that on the DL.

- Must be able to download the public map.

- We don't mind what you look like as long:
~ Not Neon.
~ No Wings.
~ No Weapons.
~ No Pets. (You may have mice, foxes, more woodland creatures)
~ No Auras/Bubbles.

Mature (18+)
- The roleplay can get to a very exaggerated point. Meaning it can get rated R, due to sexual violence, regular violence.

Unique Tags
- We have a unique tagging system as well as divisions.

Basic Ranking
- It doesn't take many days to reach different ranks.

Imagine... the crunching under foot as you limp into ruins of an old ancient building. You question why there are so many sticks scattered on the ground, but for some reason you don't look down. Slowly you raise your tattered, broken gaze to the mountain side, and many colored eyes stare back at you with a twisted glare. Next thing you remember is a large, dark pelted wolf with a terrifying, sickening laugh that was raspy like sandpaper. The voice questions you, "What is your purpose within our grounds?"

You don't respond, the large mass of large canine bodies flushing around the obvious dominate one, is spine tingling. Again, this time firmer, quite frustrated, "Answer me!" The canine lunges at you, trying to sink his abnormally long fangs into your tender, tattered flesh... you black out.
Suddenly, you're aware once more, surrounded by bones, rotting flesh, but most odd... a large amount of she-wolves cowering over you.
"What's happening?!" Your voice finally comes back, as the she-wolves began covering wounds on your broken body with herbs.

"He saved you," One whispers, "You're so lucky, the beasts were going to eat you!" Another said in an affectionate voice, almost flirty. "What do you mean?! Who are you wolves?" As you shriek, a low growl emits from some distance, "Silence!" That voice... it's familiar, but from where? The she-wolves began nibbling on your like a mother to it's young, and you relax.. feeling drugged almost.

"You may leave, Ladies," The voice chuckled, in a sickening seducing tone. "As for you, what is your purpose?" You shake yourself from the drug like state, "Shelter, refuge," Your head rises to find a swarm of life, a pack, you sigh in relaxation, hope. "Why should we offer this to you?" You sit, pondering, why..
"I-I-I can protect!"

"Can you? You're like a broken twig... a pile of rubbish,"

"I-I-I can prove myself!"

"Suit yourself, welcome to The Demented Kiss," A large canine body slowly leaks from the shadows, "I am Father Lukas, I lead," His voice was dripping with an odd emotion, almost soothing, intoxicating. "Ladies," He chuckled, as he slunk away, "Welcome home, brother!" The disturbing laugh, you jump up, and bolt.

You slowly realize you can't run, and the she-wolves began swarming you. Small licks cover your entire body, you groan, and collapse.
These 'kisses' are the most demented form of love I've ever discovered.

Simply whisper: `BluntForce` in game!

Pages: [1]