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Messages - PaRaNoIa

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Re: Front server/Main server Failed to connect
« on: June 14, 2016, 09:36:01 am »
No Problem ^.^

Another thing I suggest doing is seeing if you need to uninstall, reinstall the game in case you're missing a file. But from what you're describing, it sounds like the log in tab is kicking you out soon. Have you considered getting a tab refresher or simply switching browsers? Firefox / Chrome seems like the best choices c:

Was using chrome, had a tab refresher, now got firefox and I've made it to lonely cave, though can't get any further than that without being kicked. It's still giving me the server errors, though I seem to have an easier time getting to the character selection screen as opposed to when I was using chrome.

I thank you for that suggestion :)

Game Help / Re: Front server/Main server Failed to connect
« on: June 14, 2016, 09:19:32 am »
Try restarting your Router.
Try Running The Game As An Administrator.
Try Changing Your Rendering Systems.
Make Sure You're Not Just Resetting Their Homes, But Also Sending Them Home As Well.
Try Logging Into The Tab On A Mobile Device.

Some Things I'm Just Throwing Out There ^^

I appreciate you giving ideas to aid me, thank you for taking the time to do so, however, none of the options worked, I got to the character screen once, and it threw me back to the login saying failed to connect to main server xD

Thank you again for trying to help :)

Game Help / Front server/Main server Failed to connect
« on: June 14, 2016, 09:07:59 am »
I've updated, I've reset my characters to their new home, and even logged into the play game area, nothing seems to be working.

I'm lucky if at all since the update that I even make it to the character screen, what am I doing wrong here?

Pages: [1]