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Messages - AbstractCheesecake

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Re: Waited 6 Months; Username 2 Characters too Long
« on: November 16, 2015, 12:19:47 am »
Is their even a way to still contact him? Or do I have make my own MMO from scratch to solve this issue? I'm fine with the latter. I was gonna do It anyway.

What about the patch system? How does that work? Is it possible to add new features to the core of the game via patch and never needing to access the source in the first place?

Game Help / Re: Waited 6 Months; Username 2 Characters too Long
« on: November 15, 2015, 11:47:20 pm »
I know why the game is broken. Why can't Kovu just push the source to Github. It's not that hard. It's least he could do. I didn't remember the character limit 6 months since the last time I browsed the forums. Where can I find his new projects?

Game Help / Waited 6 Months; Username 2 Characters too Long
« on: November 15, 2015, 11:34:18 pm »
I mess around offline for a little bit before I got the account. I made an account last night and it let me put in my usual 18 character username. Now the game is still unplayable. This game has so much potential, but is so broken. I honestly think the backend should be rewritten. Let's ditch RakNet for NodeJS and MongoDB. Welcome to the modern web and this game is nowhere near modern.

Game Discussion / Re: Your Thoughts About Feral-Heart?
« on: November 15, 2015, 10:34:39 pm »
I've never actually played online, because the back end is terrible. Kovu should have open sourced the darn thing if he was going to cancel development. The whole 16 character user name limit is understandable, but user not having unique ID's? Not being able to change user names becuase of that? Log in times are completely random becuase it lags up the servers? No it's not "completely understandable" It's just dumb. FH's backend needs to rewrited from scratch! This game has so much potential, that could be unlock if it was open sourced and the server software was remade. How about NodeJS manages realtime stuff via HTTP and MongoDB takes care of all the long-term stuff (usernames, password, skins). Then we use Slack as the forum software. Welcome to the Modern Web! This game has so much head room for improvement. There's so many new technologies that could take this game beyond the next level!   >:(
*Takes deep breath*
Sorry about that.

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