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Messages - RoseHeart61

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Game Help / Re: Markings won't Load??
« on: April 04, 2016, 12:08:45 am »
Ok, thanks for the help, i figured it all out and now the markings are working. Basically, those things about a gecko service I mentioned were the cause of the problem. It automatically installed a mono package and gecko package before, but I clicked install since I was just confused ( :P ).

"Wine could not find a Gecko package which is needed for applications embedding HTML to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you.

Note: It is recommended to use you distribution's packages instead. See for details"

"Wine could not find a Mono package which is needed for .NET applications to work correctly. Wine can automatically download and install it for you.

Note: It is recommended to use you distribution's packages instead. See for details"
Not sure what it's all about, but when I clicked cancel for both the markings worked. Either way, thanks for all the help!

Game Help / Re: Markings won't Load??
« on: April 03, 2016, 11:53:15 pm »
I have never heard of any of those. You did download the game from this page right? And go through Adfly?
Of course, the original page is the only trustworthy page!
I presume y'er using a Mac? Mac's can be temperamental at any moment in time. I've heard that marking packs sometimes don't show up, but since they did b'fore ye accidentally d'leted files, I'll assume that they'll show up 'gain once we get y'er files situated.

I'd recommend d'leting all old files and doing a clean install. It doesn't seem to me that y'er old files and new files are cooperating and it may be best to just use new ones.
I am using a mac, and after a few trial and errors I tried to redownload the game and mass markings all over again, it still didn't work though.. They are all new at this point in time. 

Game Help / Re: Markings won't Load??
« on: April 03, 2016, 11:06:33 pm »

I have never heard of Gecko server....

It had something to do with Wineskin. It came after the first one, and it wouldn't open the game launcher until those were installed and downloaded.

Game Help / Re: Markings won't Load??
« on: April 03, 2016, 11:00:56 pm »
The files could've messed up anyways from the recovery ....
Make sure that you're putting them in the media > textures folder as well in not just in the textures in your main FH folder. Also, You could try switching your rendering system and seeing if the markings show up that way and making sure that the marking.cfg file isn't messed up. c:

Maybe I'm missing something as well but hopefully this might help ya a bit c:
How would I switch the rendering system?

I also want to add that when I first opened up the redownloaded game it said it couldn't find the gecko server and some other kind of server or something, and needed to install it automatically. Could that have something to do with it at all?

Game Help / Markings won't Load??
« on: April 03, 2016, 10:51:11 pm »
So, I accidentally deleted my FH files, so I redownloaded the game and everything with it. I recovered some files that I could, but not all. For some reason, markings from the Aug 22nd Mass Markings aren't loading, so I tried to download them again and try that, which didn't work.

All the .png files are in the textures folder, the .cfg file was replaced with the aug 22nd one in the main FH folder, and still, whenever I log onto the game those markings will not load. I downloaded the markings pack the same way I did before, but now they just won't work.

I copied the drive_c folder from the game before I accidentally deleted it to use as a backup, but I had to scroll through the trash in order to find the original to recover and copy instead since the copy didn't work. I made sure all the files were in the right places, and they are. No matter what I do, no markings from the pack work.

Here's the log text regarding this (if it can be of any help):

"Cannot find item with index 27
Cannot find item with index 22
Cannot find item with index 111
Cannot find item with index 172
Cannot find item with index 161
Cannot find item with index 162
Cannot find item with index 156
Cannot find item with index 155
Cannot find item with index 400
Cannot find item with index 218
Cannot find item with index 4
Cannot find item with index 101
Cannot find item with index 396
Cannot find item with index 343
Cannot find item with index 565
Cannot find item with index 155
Cannot find item with index 101
Cannot find item with index 224
Cannot find item with index 0
Cannot find item with index 154
Cannot find item with index 224
Cannot find item with index 276
Cannot find item with index 155
Cannot find item with index 118
Cannot find item with index 155
Cannot find item with index 355
Cannot find item with index 178
Cannot find item with index 518
Cannot find item with index 61
Cannot find item with index 208
Cannot find item with index 234
Cannot find item with index 548
Cannot find item with index 481
Cannot find item with index 129
Cannot find item with index 597
Cannot find item with index 581
Cannot find item with index 35
Cannot find item with index 155
Cannot find item with index 190
Cannot find item with index 131
Cannot find item with index 155
Cannot find item with index 156
Cannot find item with index 77
Cannot find item with index 117
Cannot find item with index 13
Cannot find item with index 485
Cannot find item with index 42
Cannot find item with index 449
Cannot find item with index 98
Cannot find item with index 413
Cannot find item with index 396
Cannot find item with index 190
Cannot find item with index 191
Cannot find item with index 124
Cannot find item with index 350
Cannot find item with index 339
Cannot find item with index 356
Cannot find item with index 155
Cannot find item with index 118
Cannot find item with index 77
Cannot find item with index 224
Cannot find item with index 156
Cannot find item with index 155
Cannot find item with index 38
Cannot find item with index 118
Cannot find item with index 35
Cannot find item with index 482
Cannot find item with index 27
Cannot find item with index 0
Cannot find item with index 415
Cannot find item with index 396
Cannot find item with index 178
Cannot find item with index 38
Cannot find item with index 208
Cannot find item with index 234
Cannot find item with index 548
Cannot find item with index 481
Cannot find item with index 277
Cannot find item with index 190
Cannot find item with index 191
Cannot find item with index 485
Cannot find item with index 27
Cannot find item with index 186
Cannot find item with index 149
Cannot find item with index 27

   Any ideas on ways to fix this or what's going on?

Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / Re: Map Suggestions?
« on: March 17, 2016, 01:10:14 am »
What I try to do when creating maps is look at things I like, like Preach said. I usually look at other MMOs I'm fond of though, & get my inspiration from them. Not neccessarily copy, but if there's a certain 'style' you like, go for it! <3
I can give a few but first, think of some maps you really wanna do. It can be a apocalyptic map, a warrior cat map, or something mythical.

Maybe you do a map based on harry potter or some type of movie you've enjoyed previously. That's where inspiration really comes from. Either book or movie.
Well... I am working on a Lion King Pridelands Map (based on a Disney Pridelands Map, it will continue with a second and third of the desert/jungle and outlands...) but I do want to work on somethin else. I just don't know what to work on. That's why im asking here for suggestions.

Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / Map Suggestions?
« on: March 16, 2016, 11:01:16 pm »
Im looking for maps to make!

If anyone has any ideas for maps I could make, please leave suggestions below!

I recently started to create maps and want to keep making them  I love making maps so far, and will be happy to try to make any map as long as I have the meshes required to make certain things in it (ex: walls and buildings)

Thanks for the heads up! i really only want OSX Lion from Snow Leopard, I wasn't planning any higher. But loving FH, I don't think I'll ever think about that update!

Try saving it to the correct folder again and..hmm..consider titling it lustTerrain rather than LustTerrain. I'm not sure if that would be affecting it but it's worth a try.

It seems that other users have also encountered the same problem and found that if they tested the same name (LustTerrain in your case) but with a plain flat terrain, it had no problem. Basically, it could be that your terrain is too detailed and the game can't load it in.

Ok. I even tried going to change the config file and manually changing the defaultTerrain.png to LustTerrain.png and after loading it, well.... that just does nothing X3  It isn't too different from my first map, which had hills and two gorges, a river and everything (Lion King), just a little more hilly. I'll try it out.

There could be several things wrong with the Terrain file itself, not the game. Make sure all of these things are accounted for when making your terrain before loading it in the map maker:

-Image needs to be 513x513
-Grayscale mode (You need a program such as Gimp or Photoshop to put it in grayscale mode)
-One layer (Delete additional layers or flatten the image)
-No alpha channel (Right click the layer and uncheck alpha channel if it's marked)

Well, all of those things are accounted for. It's in grayscale, it's 513x513, it's only 1 layer, it doesn't have an alpha channel, and it's a .png file.
This is my second time working on a map (my first one was just a test with objects and stuff), and I did everything the same except with the geographical features. I double checked everything to make sure it was ok to be put into the map maker.

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