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Messages - Nightrun102

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Game Suggestions & Ideas / Suggestion for FeralHeart! :D
« on: June 13, 2012, 03:34:18 pm »
I'v been roaming around and I noticed more and more people are looking for horse RPs/groups. I was thinking about adding Equine modules :D I know it seems hard to add, but look at the bright side:
It would have nearly the SAME manes except maybe a longer one, it can have wings(for fantasy horse fans XD Unicornz!), the tails would be diffrent, but felines tails are diffrent than canines so it'll remain even, you can endlessly still put the same markings on it to make a zera, horse, deer, etc. , SO i'm suggesting the horse module but make it so that it just has the same functions, markings, etc with canines and felines! The only buttons to change FOR the animal is replacing a lions mane with a long horse mane, etc...stuff like that...
I would like for anyone to take this into consideration for mods and stuff for the game aswell if they dont officially add it c: And I have noticed FeralHeart getting kinda empty :o...not a LOT but at a noticable rate...I think adding a module will increase the people playing and regstering because not only do you have the canine and feline crowd, you'll get the equine crowds attention aswell. Its JUST a suggestion; no hater comments please XD Im a horse lover so mayeb its just me...
Please comment on your feedback of why/why not equines would be epic for the game :D

Thanks for reading if you did!~ <3

This is is official page of theendlessforest! A new roleplay on FeralHeart! We are strictly literate and realistic; the roleplat has a huge map with a big forest, a village, big snowy mountains, and another village. You can be a human(in village), a dog(with a human as an owner), a wolf(wild/forest), a fox(anywhere), or cougar(mainly mountains)! Wolves, foxes, and cougars goal is just plain survival; while dogs join sled teams and train(if young) for them to ship goods to the other village!



No ranks, you live with your family! All related!
Alpha(sled team leader normally):
Gammas(Young pups in training):
Omegas(not in sled team/loners, ownerless, etc):
Humans(not really ranks :P)
Farmer(takes care of cows and food):
Breeder(has dogs, breeds and sells them, dont worry no details in RP! XD):
Handler(Buys dogs for sled races/shipping):
Owner(has a dog as a pet; normal citizen but still practices obiediance):
Citizen(Does not have a dog; lives there normally, a hunter mostly...hunting all animals):

Want to join?
Fill this out!:
Character looks(screenie,drawing,etc?):
RP sample(we accept easily ;P dont sweat it):
Animal/human?(what are you?):

Please note that the RP is NOT finished yet with the map! Sign up early to get the rank you want and when we start you'll have a good rank >8D

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: The Great Lion Pride
« on: May 27, 2012, 02:04:41 pm »
This sounds amazing.
Im currently working on another RP thow, I dont have time. But ill link to this when people need a good lion RP ;D

A canine roleplay where your character can be in one of the four packs of the FallenForest.
Each pack has its own environment; some territorys may be underground or hidden, others may be open savannas or snowy mountains, it all depends on what pack you join.

Pack stats

Any other canine that

The Shadow Pack
About: lives in the thick forests of the first island in the map, the camp is almost covered by trees and there are a few dens for all ranks and ages of canine. The pack is prepared to fight at all times and will eat and rest before gatherings to make a good impression on others. The pack is polite and thick-headed when it comes to fights and believes peace will never happen forever, but it can happen for awhile.

The Hidden Pack
About: lives in the second island, mainly underground stuff; camp is totally underground and hidden from others, just one big open underground cave for a sleeping area, covered in soft bushed of course. The pack likes peace and is generally quiet during gatherings, the pack believes peace can be eternal as long as you try and make it that way. They don't believe in fighting and actually try to avoid it as much as possible...

The Sharp Fire Pack

About: Lives in the third island, there whole territory is thick mountain-filled terrain. There camp is in the middle of a cliff with scattered dens and caves around the place. Very hard, rocky terrain, overall the pack will strictly protect any member of the pack and there territory, they  believe anyone who kills and/or harms should be killed immediately. The pack often try's to be the most talk in gatherings...often trying to stir up something or make something more interesting. Overall kind of dramatic ones. Very fast, though.

The Moon Leaf Pack
About: lives on the fourth island. Territory mainly consists of snowy fields and hills. Open snowy places and overall a very cold area to be in. The pack can withstand heavy snow because there territory has been like this for years, only in that island does it snow, the others get rain mainly. The pack is low in tolerance for immature canines which makes them smart and very witty; as there mature, strong, obedient ones.

The map is VERY VERY VERY BIG!!!!
Each island is about two times the size of the plains in FeralHeart; all territorys except the fifth one.
Mainly, you start off in a pack and go to gatherings once a week. WEEKS GO BY IN REAL LIFE DAYS! So say a week passes where you are, you go on and most canines will be packing up for a gathering (packing up= eating, preparing to share news, chatting, socializing about another pack (lol ladies with there gossip...), etc) In gatherings the pack leaders step onto a rock and talk about recent things while the others listen or engage in conversation with other people there.
ITS OKAY if your pack does not go to gatherings, BUT: there  must be a roleplay reason! Example: a good reason is if the pack is sick, leaders sick, nobodeys online, many deaths, getting over battles, etc.!

Check it often! ;) website coming soon!
Look for Nightrun102 advertizing for her pack there!

I am hosting a new roleplay soon with a map! This roleplay will be strictly REALISTIC and the roleplay is with lions, cheetahs, and leopards! It gives the player a try at survival in the african plains as a cat of there own, hunting, fighting, and living is a task in this roleplay. It will start as every cat being loners, but lions in the group are allowed to make there own pride and territory since the map will be big! Leopards will be able to climb trees to get away from danger, cheetahs will have open ground and bushes to sprint out on and hide from danger, lions have dens and rocks for there pride(s), the roleplay will accept anyone! If you wish to save you're spot now so you can join us when we start to roleplay, sighn up for the weebly page:
   So you have time to read the regulations to join and stuffs! Everyone who has a realistic character is accepted, but keep it realistic in roleplay and with you're character! (Real limitations, dont instantly killl, its not possible!) If you join now just be patient with us, we are working on the map as I type, but the map is BIG, and it needs to be! There will be a whole leopard valley and lion territory, even a big cheetah savanna! But this map doesent take three seconds to make, it will be up soon but my computer is still being fixed right now :( admin TimberWolf102 will be taking over as far as mapmaking until I get my laptop back, so far theres only five members, but me flamefox100 and timberwolf102 are the admins of all this stuff we must do (website creation, map creation, map testing, advertizing...) SO bottomline you can join the site now and we will let you know when the roleplay starts! And people on the website who come now will get to be the first to test out the map! :) thanks for reading guys!

I think what you REALLY need to do is single out general chat type for Advertizing(for roleplays FH related only) only. Because the chat is causing trolls and stuff to only spam. Its annoying also, I turn general off because of the constant spam, I love that feralheart is taking it safe, I am 14 but I still took cautions before joining the site. But at least there Wolfhome for a week LOL XD Just sharing my thoughts! :)

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Maybe some stuff o3o....
« on: September 02, 2011, 01:34:27 am »
I was thinking maybe you guys could add on to FH? not like more rooms, like more stuff o3o im loving the new poses and markings en' such, but I kinda was thinking (no matter how long it takes) you could add prey animals?  you see, I dont (cant D:) download the IT reborn because I cant find It, But I WILL download any FH extras that are needed here. If you consider adding that it would be very cool :D (who agrees? o3o) so a question to everyone else: what else should be added? (btw: I dont like the whole wings idea =3= im sorry but its really not needed, hunting would just be a fun activity to do in rp and stuff o3o).

Let me know if you disagree or something admins ^^ I understand if you cant get to it straight away ;3

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